First cycle pyramiding


New member
Hey brothers got my bottle of testC (200mg/ml) a few days back and I came across an article about pyramiding so I'd like to confirm that with you.

I'll be shooting for 8 weeks as follows

Week 1: 1/2ml

Week 2: 1ml

Week 3: 1.5ml

Week 4: 2ml

Week 5: 2ml

Week 6: 1.5 ml

Week 7: 1ml

Week 8: 1/2 ml

I'm considering proviron at 100mg EOD

And also I need a good pct from you guys..I have nolva clomid adex proviron on market here suggest me what would work best. Thanks.
And tell me what d'you guys think about the cycle plan.
you shouldn't pyramid cypionate, and 8 weeks is a very short cycle.