Iron Game

Gold Member
Posted by supergirl a professional bodybuilder on another bodybuilding site.

ok... this subject has been up for debate for as long as i can remember... There are not many studies nor research as with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and post cycle therapy (pct) for men...

So, i figured it was about time to make a post about women's post cycle therapy (pct) options to help out women when coming off a cycle and to help men help women since we are VERY different!!!

Post Cycle Therapy i am sure you have heard time and time again... For men, this usually includes an ancillary to re-stimulate natural test production etc. With women, post cycle therapy (pct) is VERY VERY different.
I know it has been the general assumption that women do not need post cycle therapy (pct), however, it has come to my attention (and from years of experience) that we actually DO in fact need post cycle therapy (pct)...

Post Cycle Therapy for women obviously does NOT include a test stimulant, but rather other factors...

Tapers: Everyone wants to know about tapering... Well, that really depends on the Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) you are using... The milder the aas, the less the taper. For example, anavar does not call for a taper, however many women have seen less side effects post cycle with a little post cycle taper. This may be 1 week after you complete your cycle where you taper down. Considering the average dosage is 10mgs, a taper would be: (5, 5, 5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5)

In my own personal experience with anavar, a taper for me really isn't necessary... so just stopping is fine. HOWEVER, i do apply Post Cycle Therapy!

I feel post cycle therapy (pct) should be considered due to these reasons:

  1. Depression: MANY women report depression post cycle. I personally got it really really badly last nov, so now the last week of my cycle, i start cycling in 5HTP. You can also use St. Johns wart or valerian root etc...
  2. Estrogen Rebound: Granted anavar is a mild androgenic, it is still an androgen. Some women experience a slight estrogen rebound. I personally have ALSO experienced this...
    One of the ways i counteract it is to take "Twinlabs Male Fuel". This actually aids allowing my test levels to lower but not drop, thus preventing an estrogen rebound. When a hormone drops suddenly another one always tends to increase to counteract, even though it may not be beneficial to us...
    Another way is to use a very very mild dosage of an estrogen suppressor (ie. nolvadex) to allow the estrogen to slowly level out as the test levels fall post cycle. (As our test levels begin to return to normal and decrease, estrogen will increase post cycle, due to the fact that an Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) does suppress estrogen levels a bit, so a suppressor will control the speed at which it increases- thus preventing a possible estrogen rebound!)
  3. Appetite: Most Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) tend to increase your appetite. This has a bit to do with an accelerated metabolism (increased muscle and protein synthesis), nevertheless, Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) can increase appetite. With that said, I think a strict diet should follow your cycle.
    My reasoning for this is that fact that since you have an increased appetite from using an aas, now that that is over, you will continue to experience an increased appetite, but with no Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) anymore. Basically saying that now that you are OFF, you will not be using all the calories/fuel as efficiently as when you were ON. So if you splurge like crazy, you WILL notice a rebound in weight and or fat. Get it

    I HIGHLY recommend a clean diet for about 2 weeks POST cycle!!

Those are the 3 main factors i can think of that may cause havoc with a woman's mental and physical well being post cycle... They are ALL factors i have personally dealt with, struggled with and learned to control!

As a female who is using aas, PLEASE know ALL the facts!!! Be over-prepared! There is nothing worse then a women who loves her results from weeks of suffering, training, dieting, etc... only to waste all her hard work and experience negative side effects post cycle... Estrogen rebound is a bitch. Weight/fat rebound is a bitch. Depression, we won't even go there lol...

So please ladies... LISTEN to your body. Get to really know what works for YOUR body! You may never need post cycle therapy, but you may... so good luck!!!

Stay Strong in the Iron Sisterhood!!

Luv super
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When it comes to females on anything. I would stick to stuff that is short lived, easy to control and stop if any sides start up. One thing I stand behind is once there show is over, cycle is done and its saved my wife. stay on a clean diet/meal plan for another 4 weeks