Hammer Strength


New member
When using the Hammer Strength...how close is the weight your lifting to a normal bench?? I know the bar of a normal bench is 45lbs....but say you've got 270lbs on the hammer strength, how much are you really doing?? That amount or less :confused:
It is difficult to say really. Basically you are doing a plate loaded mahine which will most always be more than a free weight lift.

I don't know of any cross reference charts fro how much a person should be able to lift on one versus the other.
i don't think it's anywhere close. i did 368 lbs on the hammer strength bench machine, and i can't do near that much on the normal flat bench.
CJWolford said:
i don't think it's anywhere close. i did 368 lbs on the hammer strength bench machine, and i can't do near that much on the normal flat bench.

I kinda thought the same b/c I could throw on about 350 and and get a few reps....I've never been able to do that on regular bench! :(
I was doing 368 for 8 reps, and i just laughed.

I used to be impressed when people would throw on 4 plates on either side, but not anymore.....

It's nothing like doing real flat bench.
Don't know the corelation but its probably up to 50% in some cases. For example on the old Nautilus shrug / deadlift i can parallel grip deadlift over 500Kg for sets of 12 with an exercise bar slid through to accept extra plates...suffice to say I can't do that with a bar....lmao.


jshoty said:
yes its alot less weight then actual bench press

Well darn.....I guess when I start stacking all the weights on both sides that can fit, I will hopefully be up to 300lb!! :D