USA has less Gun violence than Australia


New member
I have a friend who lives in australia and is all for gun confiscation. I really looked into the true facts. The USA has less gun violence than australia when calculated on the total population.
Liberals love to lie and manipulate facts. Here is the real math

australia had 230 gun deaths per 25 million people. This is .00092 %

Usa had roughly 16k gun deaths per 400 Million. This is .00039%

we actually have less gun violence than Australia, where you can not even own a gun. actually 100% less when comparing the difference

Of course he disagree's with the math. He simply wants to use the 100k figure. My point is you must calculate based on the total sum of people to get the correct figure. anyone care to chime in on this and the way I calculated it?:cool:
Mexico is very anti gun, you can't even have ammo in your car when you cross the is that working out?

Don't see many liberals taking road trips through Mexico.
Well, you miscalculated...16k divided by 400 million is .004%. You added an extra zero. But, you can't really compare us to other countries to begin with, because the demographics are completely different. We are just a violent culture. Our movies are violent. Our video games are violent. Our sports are violent. In the UK, they have less of a problem with nudity, but allow much less violence on TV. In America, we don't allow nudity, but allow all sorts of violence.
I'd have to see a reputable source to believe that. I have guns, want guns, want more guns, but I don't believe that for a second
All my guns were stolen a few years ago. That's my story and i'm sticking to it if they ever show up to try and get them.
Well, you miscalculated...16k divided by 400 million is .004%. You added an extra zero. But, you can't really compare us to other countries to begin with, because the demographics are completely different. We are just a violent culture. Our movies are violent. Our video games are violent. Our sports are violent. In the UK, they have less of a problem with nudity, but allow much less violence on TV. In America, we don't allow nudity, but allow all sorts of violence.
We need more nudity and everything needs to be legalized, create tens of thousands of jobs and US currency in US circulation, cut out about 30-35% ER visits that sink hospitals budgets etc