New Cycle question



I am planning on starting a summer cycle May 1st. I plan to run it for 10 weeks. I have not be on since July 2003 so I am excpeting good gains after a prolonged lay off. I have been using juice since 2001, been a member of various boards so I can say I am experienced but I would like some advice from a outside source on what my next cycle should look like.

My stats are 29 years old, over 10 years of lifting, I am 5'9 220-225 right now. bench over 420 so I have a good base of strength natural. What I am looking for is to get up to around 235 while not raising my bodyfat by more than 2%.

I planned on running IP's 100mg suspenion/100mg prop mix @ 1 cc EOD for 10 weeks.

Now do you think that doseage is high enough or maybe I should run it at 1.5 cc's EOD? or even 2? I don't want to go to high if I don't need to.

My 2nd question is this. I want to add another compound but I am not sure which of these to add.
QV EQ at 200/mg EOD for 10 weeks
IP's Winny at 50mg's a day for weeks 1-6
or Napoism (I LOVE these, I never get bloated I stay real lean AND get super strength off it) at 50mg's a day for weeks 1-6.

So what do you suggest? Again I am looking to gain 10-15, anything more is great but 10-15 is what I am looking for.
To be honest, I would opt for a test prop @ 75 mg eod and tren 75 mg eod. This will result in the desired goal. Personally I prefer 50 mg ed each.
If tren is a no-go, I would opt for the test prop 50 mg ed and the last 6 weeks add winstrol depot 50 mg eod. Do not take the winstrol tablets, cuz they have less impact on your gains and are much harder on your system.

