Saturated fats.. actually most healthy?

wow, thats right up there with the "high-fructose corn syrup is good for you commercials"
all I know is that im tired of hearing and seeing mixed info.... health and nutrition are the most important things in life pretty much , and its actually the least researched and least attention paid to information out there in my opinion.
This is no news to me. We've known for a long time that the body needs a certain amount of saturated fat and that polyunsaturated fat is bad.
Yeah, companies only bring attention to certain issues when it's gonna make them money. I recently seen the shit about high fructose corn syrup being good for you as well. Where did you come across this article?
I believe it 100% and it makes pretty damn good sense. I stay away from vegetable oils and only get my EFA's from fish oil and evening primrose oil. I take macadamia nut oil as another heart healthy (though not essential) fat.
the article came across it after finding the coconut oil article , i was searching about saturated fat because was just looking for more info since lots of information about health and nutrition in the US is misleading and false.
I thought everyone knew this? Saturated fats good, trans bad? wtf mates saturated fats have more energy potential because of the carbon hydrogen bonding.
i always thought saturated fats kinda bad clogs arteries , trans fats horrible , mono and poly fats healthy.
i always thought saturated fats kinda bad clogs arteries , trans fats horrible , mono and poly fats healthy.

saturated fat IS bad for you. but like saudades said, you do need some in your diet for normal healthy function.

too many people have an "all or nothing" mentality to dieting. The adkins is based on non-sense like that. "completey remove carbs from your diet" WTF?!
we only got 3 caloric sources (minus alcohol), and they want you to remove the most common one?