


I'm starting to notice that I respond very differently to various AAS. Test is pretty much normal like anyone, but I noticed that I seem to respond to winny like I'm on the most anabolic thing ever. I had the same thing happen the first time I used winny, though I wasn't sure if I was imagining it because I was on a couple other things as well. This time, I'm only on test and winny, and when I added the winny it was like a rocket took off.

So here's my theory: I seem to have a lot more type II (red/slow twitch) muscle fibers than type I (white/fast twitch). It's my theory that type II fibers respond more to AAS that harden you up or that make you gain quality lean muscle like winny, eq, or tren while type I fibers respond better to AAS like test, anadrol, dbol, etc. I know that anadrol and dbol don't do much for me which is odd since most guys gain 10 lbs off the bat with dbol, but if my theory is correct, I don't have enough type I fibers to respond that way. Since I do have lots of type II fibers, I respond overly well to tren, eq, and winny--and I mean really well.

What do you guys think? Have any of you experienced the same thing?
i could agree. Ive used (ex.) d-bols and have gained some weight , mostly water.

But then used t-bol and felt the difference. Even though its a more mild compound i feel i had a better run with that
Sounds plausible to me. I know another thing would be how clear your receptors are. I know you know what I mean but for the others say you run a compound and then rotate another compound. You should respond better if you take time off to clear that specific receptor site. I know you said winnie seems to effect you better no matter what, which would lead me to think the type of fibers is something to be considered. It would be interesting if someone would tell us how anabolics and androgenics bind differently to sites. I have taken college biology and cellular biology but that is a little further than I got. I know it has to do with the shape of the compound binding, but my question is where the binding occurs. If it is in certain types of muscle tissue that would give us a clear answer to your theory. Or to be scientifically correct your hypothesis. LOL
i could agree. Ive used (ex.) d-bols and have gained some weight , mostly water.

But then used t-bol and felt the difference. Even though its a more mild compound i feel i had a better run with that

Jon what is t-bol
Jon what is t-bol

Chemical Name: 4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone
Drug Class: Oral Anabolic Steroid
Oral Turinabol (4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone, commonly called “OT” or “T-bol”) has recently experienced an explosion of popularity due to its recent (re)release by British Dragon, and the subsequent game of follow-the-leader played by most underground labs. It was developed by scientists in East Germany, and is actually Dianabol (a dehydro version of testosterone) with a 4-chloro modification. The 4-chloro modification is also seen on “Clostebol” although that particular drug lacks the 1-2 double carbon bond that Dianabol and Turinabol both have. The 4-chloro modification actually makes the compound totally resistant to the aromatase enzyme (1), so users typically equate T-bol to Dianabol, but without the water retention. This is a very good comparison, actually, although it needs to be stated that weight gained with this drug will be significantly less than what is gained with D-bol.

The similarities are actually quite numerous, as they have also both been 17-alpha-alkylated (a carbon atom was added at the 17th position) to survive the first pass through the liver, and therefore be orally active. This, of course elevates liver enzyme activity. If I were to quantify the gains one experiences from this compound, I would say that it’s half way between Anavar and Dianabol, and therefore a perfect addition to either bulking or cutting cycles.

Another interesting effect of OT is that it would appear to have the ability to reduce Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (2)(3)to other steroids. This is important because that enzyme, when bound to testosterone, makes the latter un-bioavailable. This may also seem to indicate that OT may have synergy with other steroids, since it has this ability to reduce SHBG and thus free up more testosterone for use in your body, and prevent other steroids from becoming bound also.

The only negative thing I have read concerning OT is that in high doses (10+mg) have caused virilization in women.(4) However, the women I know who have actually used this drug haven’t reported anything like that. In fact, most women I know who have used it experienced much more positive effects from than men, as very little of this compound is actually needed to produce results in women.

The popularity of this drug in the East German’s gold medal winning cycles probably contributes quite a bit to it’s popularity, and unfortunately to its price also. Typically, although this drug is easily found on the black market, it’s also in relatively high demand, and that keeps the price stable- and high. My current feeling on this product is that if I were to try it, I’d limit my choices to either the paper anabolic or British Dragon version.
Honestly, I don't think that you are comprised of mostly slow twitch, or you would probably be an endurance athlete and find that type of work more enjoyeable simply because you would be more successful in that type of workout and be able to make progress easier. On the contrary, I think that, especially with your big ass arms, you have more fast twitch, you probably just respond better to steroids that are more androgenic in nature. Winstrol is a derivitive of DHT(Dihydrotestosterone) which is great for sex drive, muscular hardness, vascularity, aggressivness, etc, and for someone that may be deficient in this somewhat, adding this to your regimen could really put some "life" into you. This is why men who are balding and instructed to supplement with a lot of Saw Palmetto to block DHT usually have very decreased sex drives, lack motivation and muscular hardness, and energy levels usually drop as well. So I'm sure that if your cycles consisted of at least HRT levels of test, probably more, along with the more androgenic steroids, ie. winny, masterone, Tren, etc, then you would usually make decent progress in size and/or strength. But think about it, even though AAS stimulate growth in ALL muscle fibers, to stimulate slow twitch in the gym requires a lot of work, ie. high reps/time under tension, and are more aerobic in nature, where fast twitch are more anaerobic(without oxygen), and will grow in size much quicker. Slow twitch are just built for endurance, smaller, denser fibers. This is why calves, abs, and forearms respond best to high rep training where these type of fibers reside in more numerous amounts. But that's just my theory. You know your body better than anyone else.
Maybe you just respond better with winny? I know that in the past, winny doesn't do a whole for me. But tren, eq does wonders...
yeah i agree with norm you may just respond really good to it. EQ works good for normal but it doesnt work well for alot of people. Everyone is different.
Well, I know I respond extremely well to tren, winny, eq, and high doses of tren and deca (I thought tren was more anabolic than androgenic). I get hardly anything from dbol or anadrol. I find that gaining has been very difficult for me--it has taken 11 years to get to my current physique. I do remember that when I was younger, I could sprint very well at track meets but had hardly any endurance so maybe I do have a lot of fast twitch. But if that's the case, then why do my muscles not respond with size? My legs for instance are only 24" right now, yet I can squat 405 so they are very strong, dense muscles which is what lead me to believe they were more slow twitch. Well, I suppose I need to test my theory by planning a cycle of tren, winny, deca, and prop. I'm betting I'd gain a good 10 lbs off of it.
Winny is still working VERY well for me. Maybe I should save the rest of the GH I have for the next cycle...hmmm...