Injection Query


New member
Ok, so heres my question. Say Im training Biceps today and its an injection day. If I inject in the Bis say an hour before my workout will it be more beneficial then say injecting in my glutes??? I did this with my Tren E last Wednesday and my Biceps felt like they were just swole thru out the day. I think Ive heard of people saying that spot injections like this help but i was wanting to get some experienced insight, thanks guys.:bber:
Ive done this in the past and didnt like the feeling as my muscle felt like it was ready to tare, spot injections are ok but for me not the same day in the same muscle im working out
if anything do your spot POST workout

the muscle will be expanded and will have more room for the compound to absorbe
I recently started spot injecting bi's and I love it. I don't do it preworkout though. I did my first calf injects Thurs and started my course of Keflex today for the cellulitis... fucking bullshit...
I don't spot inject because it always feels like my muscles are going to burst and I just don't prefer it. I try to stay away from an area that I'm going to train that day or the next
can someone post pix of the bicep inject area via diagram pic, dunno if I could do it there or calves personally
I think spot injections are over rated
personally I think they make the muscle bigger due to build up of scar tissue

just my opinion
Thanks for the input guys. I think Im gonna give it a try post workout and see if the results are different. Im just worried about the Test P and they way it gives me a charlie horse for a day or so. I know that the muscle that gets the injection will def grow faster because my hips have grown about 2.5 inches since i started my glut injections, getting a big ass. My thighs have gotten a good inch on them as well so Im hoping it will help me in my inner chest and biceps. Gonna take alot of balls to pin the chest, lol