Single handles cable lat pull down


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
So I started doing these again, I use the big cable rack, I set them all the way at the top, put the square pieces on witht the handles that rotate, I squat down on my knees, lean back a bit and pull my elbows down into the lowest part of the lats (looks like your making the shape of a 'W') This is a great excercise for me and now I sdont know why I ever stopped.
Regular lat pull downs with the bar make me feel exhaust even from the 1st rep, so it holds me back from doing alot of weight, these however feel heavy as im pulling but at the top of the position I feel fine, and when I pull it down it squeezes the lat sooooo much more. I also feel it in my bi's more. TRY THEM
yeah I have done this also, not bad at all, its good to change it up once in a while