What do you gain faster: Size or Strength?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
When you go on, what seems to come quicker, increases in mass or strength on major lifts?

I just finished up a small cycle and gained about 7-8 quality lbs, which isn't too bad considering I had MRSA for almost two weeks in the middle of it and couldn't train or eat from all the medication and pain I was in. But my poundages have gone up a substantial amount. On my first cycle it seemed like the weight just poured on. I got stronger but not as fast as I gained weight.

First cycle was just Sust, cycle I just finished was just Enanth and Deca. Maybe due to different compounds? Maybe just cause it was my first cycle?

Opinions, experiences?
first cyc is the best with weight gains for the amount done, mine was with test from mexico with a picture of a scotish terrier on the bottle, yearrrrrsssss ago and I gained like 15-18 pounds from just that 1 bottle, 1 shot a week for 10 weeks
I blew up off my first cycle too, over 20lbs. I guess it's just the magic of the first time.
Hello to all

Just to put on weight I eat at least 1 gram of protein for 2 pounds of body weight; Meat should be eaten in small quantities as the body can only assimilate so much animal protein before it just rots in the body undigested. Protein powders are okay but they usually include SUCRALOSE which is a horrible toxin for the body. Find that is sucralose aspartame FREE. I prefer ones that are also organic & gmo free.
For me strength comes quicker than anything. I respond very quickly to orals

Been taking liquid tren for a week and I'm ready to bench press a car
I definitely gain strength faster. When I first joined the gym at 17, I was about 150 pounds and benched 135. Two years later, I'd only gained 20 pounds, but I was benching 275 and maxed 315. I am a very hard gainer, but my strength improves rather quickly.
I gain strength much faster than mass normally although my first cycle/going on hrt caused a huge mass gain of 30 lbs. Man would I like to have that again.