Cytomel Cycle Advice


New member
Looking for some advice if possible. I've been training my ass off for almost two years now. Have been over 400lbs twice in my life and battled down to 300 and this time around I'm sitting at 340. I've done two cycles with good results. I'm just about due to tapper of my current cycle which I'm now taking 100ml of prop 3 times a week, anavar and 3 iu of gh. All real pharm products. Anyhow I'm looking at starting some cytomel and have a cycle plan for in. Start at .25 and work up to 1 and then back down to .25. Just looking for any advice from some people with experience with this similar cycle. Looking to get lean a little faster but safely. Thanks
I should also mention that I have a meal plan that was built for me for my goals of increasing lean mass. All clean and consists of about 5000cal and 500 grams of protein.
hey bro this was in wrong forum, so i will move it to proper forum so people can help u