Test cyp Progress

So I am 8 weeks into my first cycle of test cyp only at 500 mg/wk. I've been consuming about 200-250 grams if protein a day and 200-300 carbs a day. Bodyfat has dropped 2% while weight has stayed the same give or take a few pounds. Waist has dropped 1.5 inches, chest has increased 2 inches, shoulders have gained an inch, and arms have stayed the same. Strength has increased considerably. So far very happy with the results.
Test Prop is very versatile, If you tailor your diet it will work wonders for just a single compound.
So I just finished a 12 week cycle of test, and I added dbol (50mg ed) in for the last 4 weeks. Overall, I was very happy with the results. the dbol I didn't notice a huge difference from, but did notice lots of back cramps, constant heartburn, and some sleepless nights. As far as my weight goes, I noticed a significant increase in my lats and shoulders, and gained a half inch in my arms. My bodyweight went from 190-197, while dropping 2% bodyfat. I was eating, and still am, 200-250 g protein daily, and 2-300 carbs daily (and that might possibly not have been enough for my fast metabolism. My workouts mainly consisted of 2 x week bodyparts.

Before cycle, Max lifts were as follows:
bench - 315
squat - 405
deadlift - 415

after cycle:
bench - 350 (needless to say I was pretty psyched in the jump)
squat - 405 no change
deadlift - 425 (slight increase, but low back was hurting and might have been able to do more but not worth the risk of injuring myself.)

Not a huge difference in size changing like I was expecting, but my composition and symmetry changed as well as more of an "overall hardness" that was not there before. Again, I am 41 and have been on a plateau of not growing for the last 3 years. So the last 12 weeks have been progress again like when I started working out 15 years ago. And that feels pretty freakin awesome. Will post some before and after pics, but with this being the holidays my diet has been off this week and the "after" may look more like a "before" lol...
yeah thats quite a nice bench press increase. I'm sure the pictures will look good brutha,
So I just finished a 12 week cycle of test, and I added dbol (50mg ed) in for the last 4 weeks. Overall, I was very happy with the results. the dbol I didn't notice a huge difference from, but did notice lots of back cramps, constant heartburn, and some sleepless nights. As far as my weight goes, I noticed a significant increase in my lats and shoulders, and gained a half inch in my arms. My bodyweight went from 190-197, while dropping 2% bodyfat. I was eating, and still am, 200-250 g protein daily, and 2-300 carbs daily (and that might possibly not have been enough for my fast metabolism. My workouts mainly consisted of 2 x week bodyparts.

Before cycle, Max lifts were as follows:
bench - 315
squat - 405
deadlift - 415

after cycle:
bench - 350 (needless to say I was pretty psyched in the jump)
squat - 405 no change
deadlift - 425 (slight increase, but low back was hurting and might have been able to do more but not worth the risk of injuring myself.)

Not a huge difference in size changing like I was expecting, but my composition and symmetry changed as well as more of an "overall hardness" that was not there before. Again, I am 41 and have been on a plateau of not growing for the last 3 years. So the last 12 weeks have been progress again like when I started working out 15 years ago. And that feels pretty freakin awesome. Will post some before and after pics, but with this being the holidays my diet has been off this week and the "after" may look more like a "before" lol...

This is a brave time to start a cycle but a few things top point out:
1. Cyp can you be used to cut and you did this successfully.
2. Next time, I would do the dbol at the front- IMHO, you will get better results than putting it at the end. You may have been able to increase your squat and deads as you would have already finished the dbol before you get to the end relieving the back issues.

Overall great job, nice to see the results.