My 1st Year Transformation


New member
This is a picture of me when i 1st started training in October 2010.

I was 5ft 10 and 143lbs.
After 9 months of bulking i managed to get my weight up to 188lbs, with the aid of 2 x 12 week cycles. I didnt realise at the time though how much fat i had also gained. Its only now when i look at the picture i realise how chubby i got.
2010? no offense bro you look in the face like you was 12 or 13! how old were you or i guess are you? great transformation though!
After bulking for 9 months and gaining 45lbs i decided to cut for 3 months to reveil the newly grown muscle. I hoped on achieving low enough bodyfat that i could have visible abs but didnt quite get low enough. I could have continued cutting for longer but as summer was over i didnt see much point so stopped cutting once i got to the stage in the picture and began my winter bulk.

My weight dropped from 188lbs to 170lbs during the cut.
Ill dig out some photos now of my 21st birthday to verify my age and size, its embarrassing but what the hell lol
not doubting you bro, more props to ya! , hopefully you will look younger every year!! LOL that ill def play in ur favor! hahaha
not doubting you bro, more props to ya! , hopefully you will look younger every year!! LOL that ill def play in ur favor! hahaha

That would be nice to look younger every year but since ive started using AAS ive managed to successfully grow some stubble lol so im starting to look a bit older now.
Here's pics of me on my 21st, the superman pants were a demand by the pub landlord lol. My girlfriend was pregnant in the 2nd pic but we didnt find out untill a week later :) That was a big birthday surprise!
wtf lol! sorry but thats a funny pick,lol, and yeah i was about to suspend ur acount brutha as i thought for sure you were under 18 years old as we do not allow anyone under that age to participate here. So thanks for clearing that up

and nice transforation brutha, I personaly think ur a little too young to start cycling gear, but to each his own and good luck to ya
wtf lol! sorry but thats a funny pick,lol, and yeah i was about to suspend ur acount brutha as i thought for sure you were under 18 years old as we do not allow anyone under that age to participate here. So thanks for clearing that up

and nice transforation brutha, I personaly think ur a little too young to start cycling gear, but to each his own and good luck to ya

I did say they were a bit embarrassing lol Its strange that i look so young in the 1st pic i posted because that was 6 months after my 21st birthday, it was taken on holiday in Salou. Not sure if the tan makes it decieving?

I personally think i took the plunge a bit too quick but its easily accessable where i live and it seems nearly everybody is using it to some degree and the boys i originally started training with were already using gear so i think it was inevitable.

Im hoping this year i can make better progress as my knowledge of dieting, training etc is alot better than this time last year.
Well done. You did really a great job and your body is showing that you worked really hard with full of determination to get these muscles.
sweet bro, love seeing log's on here its great to see peoples progress!
Great job, bro. Sounds like me when I started. I was 6' and 150 pounds. Skinny as hell.
big gains in such a little time. im a firm believer you cant get big without getting fat too. good job.
Pretty good transformation bro. I know the first year I really took up lifting I was from around 115 to 170. I was light due to wrestling and never really thought about bulking until wrestling was over. And that was all without gear, so I know you'll be able to make huge gains this year as well