MC IGF Experience


New member
Hey all, just finished my first IGF-R3 cycle this past friday and wanted to post my experience with it.

ORDERING: Took a tad bit longer than I expected (of course my eagerness to start didn't help at all either). Really not a problem at all!! Just a little mix up and damned if I didn't get the package the VERY NEXT day. With so many online businesses now a days there's never any face-to-face contact, thus customer service is something to be desired. Anyway, customer service @ MC is great. Thanks fellaz.......

LIL BIT ABOUT ME Started lifting 4 years ago at a measly 155lbs @ 6'3". Man I was Snoop Dogg skinny!!! LOL.. Put on a few pounds and then started using gear (have been now for 2.5 years). Most of my cycles have been very light using test p, tren, durabolin and winny. Slowly but surely I've been packing on the pounds. Before IGF my body composition was as follows (pic is before as well):
32 Years Young
Medium Frame
75 inches
9.9% Measured Body Fat
20lbs Fat Weight
181.9lbs Lean Fat-Free Weight
25.4 Body Mass Index

IGF CYCLE: Since this was my first time using IGF, I wanted to start small despite all the raving reviews of people using doses higher than mine. Anyway, 40mcg / day, 5on 2 off was what I was gunning for. Also threw in 500mcg of B-12 as well. Kept the IGF refrigerated and let it reach room temp before drawing into the slin syringe.
I have to admit that my diet and training were pretty shitty this cycle, as I was dealing with a lot of personal, as well as career issues. I still managed to hit the gym and maintain a somewhat high calorie / protein diet, though not to my satisfaction. My hunger did increase and I never really felt full after eating.
After about the first week my pumps were geting REAL nice and full. Being a lean guy with very little body fat man I tell you I had shit poppin' outta everywhere. Little "itty bitty" muscles were even showing up. LOVED IT!!!
Did'nt really put on much in terms of "scaled weight", I think I jumped up about 4lbs to 206, but I definetly added size. My lagging ass chest grew a bit and my arms exploded by a little over half an inch. My abs became even more pronounced than they were before, unequivically related to some fat loss I'm sure. I started throwing in oblique workouts, so my torso kind of thickened up as well.
All in all, I was very satisfied with this go round. I'm glad I stuck with 1 bottle, not only to test it's potential on me, but the way things were going at the time I'd hate to waste 2-3 bottles on a half ass cycle. My next cycle will be a lot better and I'm definetly gonna move up to 80mcg/day. I also think I'm gonna stay off gear for a while and just run IGF. LOL.. We'll see how long that'll last. "Hey it wasn't me, the :satan: made me do it"..
Peace Bro's
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Nicely done bro..., there goes another satisfied bro using MC's igf,....I vouch that i did experience some good fat lose while on it and it helped speed up my ankle injury,...definitely gonna use it alot...
bro you're looking great. I had a lagging chest as well and started shooting my IGF-1 in my pecs and it really really helped. You've got great delt development had you been shooting delts at all?
ncie job bro' and this was an ecellent follow up on your experience...Md
mikeswift said:
yeah i was thinking the same thing bro, hit us up with an after pic

Sorry fellaz about that..Yeah the pic is a before shot. I definetly had planned on posting "after" pics but I'm having issues with the digi camera. I will get them up as soon as possible..
Hi all, excellent pic and thats before igf, would like to see the after pic now.
Im new to this forum and just to give you a little info about myself. I live in the north east of england. 47 yrs old and been training for about 20 yrs on and off. I havent used a lot of gear but when i have i have mainly used testviron depot as i found i got the best gains from it. Am currently using GH for the second time with test enanthate. The pic was taken about 4 years ago at a local show. MY question is to MC, is your igf the Long r3 version. I have been doing a lot of research into igf-1 but there are so many contradicting posts my head is all screwed up. I am keen to give it a go soon so any info would be much appreciated
many thanks
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Great work, kena. The IGF-1 that MC carries is the long r3 version, reconstituted in AA. It is great stuff, and many bros here have tried it and got good results from it, myself included.
Thanks for the comments guys, im sure you know the bloody diet is harder than the workouts lol.... could have done with probably another week before the show but hey i lost 50lbs to get in that condition
look forward to taking an active part on the forum and gleaming all your knowledge.
i think that the bros in the states are a bit further advanced than here in the uk
and my apologies to bignslim for hijacking his thread
again many thanks