
  1. J

    cutting calories by how much?

    Stats are 44 years old. 240 pounds and around 25% body fat I’m looking to lose some body fat and lose some weight what is going to be the best option I’m currently doing about 3,000 calories per day, should I cut it back by 500 calories or go for more?
  2. jimbosmith316

    Eggs Do the Body Good

    Eggs are often considered a staple in a bodybuilder's diet due to their numerous benefits: 1. **High-Quality Protein**: Eggs are a complete protein source, containing all nine essential amino acids necessary for muscle repair and growth. 2. **Muscle Building**: The protein in eggs helps in...
  3. jimbosmith316

    Toning versus Building Muscle

    Toning and building muscle are related but involve slightly different approaches in fitness. **Building Muscle:** - **Objective:** Building muscle typically involves hypertrophy, which means increasing the size of muscle fibers. This process often involves resistance training, lifting weights...
  4. jimbosmith316

    Intermittent fasting (IF)

    Intermittent fasting (IF) is an eating pattern that has gained popularity in recent years, and it can be incorporated into a bodybuilding or fitness regimen. IF involves cycling between periods of fasting and eating, and it can potentially offer several benefits for bodybuilders when done...
  5. jimbosmith316

    Caffeine in Bodybuilding

    Caffeine is a popular and widely used stimulant that can have several potential benefits for individuals involved in bodybuilding and fitness activities. It is essential to understand how caffeine can affect your body and its potential benefits and drawbacks in the context of bodybuilding...
  6. jimbosmith316

    Lose That Belly Fat

    Losing belly fat is a common goal for many bodybuilders, as it can help enhance muscle definition and overall aesthetics. Here are some tips to help you lose belly fat as a bodybuilder: Diet: Proper nutrition is crucial for losing belly fat. Focus on a balanced diet that includes lean...
  7. jimbosmith316

    The Phases of Bodybuilding

    Bodybuilding typically involves two main phases: bulking and cutting. During the bulking phase, bodybuilders aim to gain muscle mass by consuming a surplus of calories, including an adequate amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. The increase in calorie intake helps provide the energy and...
  8. jimbosmith316

    Female bodybuilder Nutrition

    Nutrition plays a crucial role in female bodybuilding, just as it does for male bodybuilders. The primary goal of nutrition in female bodybuilding is to support muscle growth, recovery, and overall health. Here are some key considerations for female bodybuilder nutrition: Caloric Intake...


    Bulk Up for Winter: How to Build and Maintain Muscle Are you planning to bulk up this winter but need help figuring out where to start? This article discusses how you can bulk up your body muscles this winter and gives tips for growing your muscles. First, let us go into what bulking is so...


    Bulk Up for Winter: How to Build and Maintain Muscle Are you planning to bulk up this winter but need help figuring out where to start? This article discusses how you can bulk up your body muscles this winter and gives tips for growing your muscles. First, let us go into what bulking is...


    Tip 4: Fuel Your Body Right Before And After The Workout The fourth tip to follow with your bodybuilding workout program is to make sure you're fueling your body properly both before and after the workout. Failing to get in the amino acids your body will use to synthesize new muscle mass with...


    **SAMPLE 4000K PER DAY MEAL PLAN.** If you're trying to pack on some mass, you need to be sure you are eating enough food. Most people who think they have a hard time gaining mass are simply not eating enough food to support mass gain. You can use our [calorie intake calculator][] to get an...
  13. N

    Napsgear Napsgear: How To Track Alcohol For Macros

    Alcohol is a big part of so many people's social lives and lifestyles, and many turn to their nightcap as a way to unwind. So much so that it's often a reason people use for why they "can't" start living a healthier lifestyle. We hear things like "I can't give up drinking," "What if I want to...
  14. N

    Napsgear Food Palatability: Food is Simple, Behavior is Difficult.

    Food is simple, but behavior changing our behavior around food is difficult. People can easily be encouraged to eat less calories to lose weight. It is also obvious that the simplest strategy to reduce weight is to consume fewer calories. However, because human behavior is complex and food...
  15. N

    IIFYM vs Clean Eating: An Interpretation

    We hear all too often that the amount of processed food in your diet is unimportant for body composition as long as your caloric, macros (particularly protein), and fiber are all balanced. Is this accurate, however, in terms of how such a diet affects your regular calorie intake and ad libitum...
  16. jasonhill800

    Avoid These Diet Mistakes: Part 2

    Fitness advice from the “mainstream” is full of nonsense and misinformation. Here is part 2 of “Avoid These Diet Mistakes” to help you reach your goals. #11 You’re Overdoing It with Cheat Meals and Days This is the polar opposite of the preceding error from part 1 of this series and...
  17. N

    Avoid These Diet Mistakes: Part 1

    Fitness advice from the "mainstream" is full of nonsense and misinformation. Despite significant advances in the field of nutritional science, the majority of fat reduction hopefuls continue to make the same basic mistakes over and over. Mistakes that excessively complicate their diet have a...
  18. jasonhill800


    Calorie restriction is often associated with weight loss. However, what if we told you that another way to lose weight is to eat more? There is such a thing as lowering too many calories and damaging your weight loss attempts. In some situations, you may need to consume more to lose...
  19. N

    Napsgear: Prioritize Protein

    If you're a little too fluffy, you're probably overeating carbs and fats instead of emphasizing protein and eating with intention. As your metabolic health deteriorates, the situation worsens. What is the solution? Make protein a top priority. THE PROTEIN TEST The simplest approach to tell...
  20. N

    How to Get Back on Track When You’ve Fallen Off the Fitness Train

    It happens to the best of us. Sometimes you get caught up, life gets in the way, your schedule changes, you lose motivation, or a cheat day turns into weeks or longer, and you haven’t picked yourself back up. And that’s okay. It’s time to dust yourself off and get out of this rut. You can do it...