
  1. Presser

    Back Online ! Very Sorry For The Sudden Loss of Service

    [*=left]<center>Our Offshore Server Provider Experienced A Fiber Cut Which Has Finally Been Repaired</center> <center>We Apologize For The Sudden Extended Downtime Which Has Never Happened Before! </center> <center>My Sincere Apologies</center> <center>Thank You</center>
  2. Presser

    Insurance finally Covered my Testosterone Replacement Therapy Cypionate! $15 Bucks!

    So, my insurance turn me down repeatedly for covering my Testosterone cypionate prescription and Finally they decided to cover it for $15 ! Though, I open the bag, and its 10 seperate boxes, each with a tiny ass vial of 1ml test cyp 200mg. I mean Im not complaining, just never knew it came like...
  3. H


    My name is Jack and i am 28 years of age. I was browsing this forum for more than a week and today finally decided to join it. Really nice forum, keep up the good work. Been training on and off around 6 years now, one of the reasons on joining the forum is to get some advice and tips on the...
  4. T


    Hello, it's long time I'm reading this really interesting forum, and I finally decided to join this community. I have a past as powerlifter, then I stopped for a long time. Now it's 3 years I'm back to the gym. Hope to talk with you and get something new
  5. blacktail

    What to expect

    Ok I'm finally going to run some igf-1! I'm currently on week 8 of test 600 a week and deca at 400 a week. Still waiting on my Tbol I was going to run the last 8 weeks but that is another story. So knowing what I'm currently taking what do you think from your experience I should expect from...
  6. Ox 51

    Odell Beckham Jr. Gets Paid

    Wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. has finally gotten the contract he's been fighting for. The New York Giants have made him the highest paid receiver in NFL history, with a five-year $95 million contract, including $65 million guaranteed.
  7. Presser

    BACK IN STOCK - Ligandrol LGD 4033

    We are full stocked on all Sarm Sciences products! This means our LIGANDROL 4033 is FINALLY Back In Stock! Those of you who have been waiting, will be made whole again and then some! I truly appreciate your patience! With that said, All SARM Are ONLY $55 each Visit Us @...
  8. Presser

    BACK IN STOCK - Ligandrol LGD 4033

    We are full stocked on all Sarm Sciences products! This means our LIGANDROL 4033 is FINALLY Back In Stock! Those of you who have been waiting, will be made whole again and then some! I truly appreciate your patience! With that said, All SARM Are ONLY $55 each Visit Us @...
  9. Metal85

    Percussion Massager & Does anyone have daily intercostal pain?

    Feels like I am playing whackamole here. So after 6+ years of chronic back pain, I got myself off prescribed pain meds cold turkey (although I don't recommend bc you could have a seizure without weaning off, Im stubborn) it took maybe 2-3 months off pain meds, countless massages, rolling my...
  10. D


    Well I finally got my estrogen checked range was 40-115 however I had read that range should be between 20-55 and 25 is a good spot of many. I’m at 85 with a test level of 1137
  11. Presser

    Finally, An Original Thought On SARM

    Finally, An Original Thought On SARM Truth is the internet of bodybuilding and fitness hasn’t had an original thought in quite some time! This goes for the performance driven industry of supplements over the counter , under the counter, and behind the counter! You name it, its been...
  12. Iron Game


    The sports supplement graveyard is littered with products that promised much, but failed to deliver (miserably, in most cases). Most notable are herbs, and their purported “anabolic” actions. However, the Ayurvedic (Indian) system of medicine has given us a few gems. One of those is Cissus...
  13. Chocolate Rain

    3J Program Progress Log

    I've decided to finally take the plunge and see what I could achieve with 3J's help along the way. Just a little background I am 6'1" 280 currently sitting at around 25-28%BF just guesstimating. With 3J's help I plan to cut quite a bit of body fat here in the next few months see if I can finally...
  14. Presser

    How to Determine Your Basal Metabolic Rate, or BMR Formula for Men and Women.

    What is BMR and How Can I Find My BMR Number? The Number of Calories You Burn Daily While at Rest is Known As Your "BMR" or Basal Metabolic Rate This is the bare minimum required amount of calories you need to perform your daily duties, brush your teeth, drive to work, walk upstairs to office...
  15. Presser

    Finally Football Season

    Well, im an eagles fan and looks like were fucked for the next couple more years, but still stoked for the new season, and college football! Loved watching LSU lose saturday!!! lol
  16. fullytorqued

    Finally got my wife to try var

    Wife has always been scared to pin but finally got her to give var a try. She mostly does crossfit/type workouts but is damn strong for her size. 95lbs, 4'9'' Filipina LBFM. Trying to get her to start posting/logging on here as well. Any ladies out there with similar weight/workout routine...
  17. Presser

    Twitter Sucks Compared To Facebook!

    I think i am getting the hang of facebook finally lol, i mean i have had a page for years for twitter and facebook, but never used them. Anyhow, why do people even bother with twitter when you can do so much more with facebook? I dont get it !
  18. The Dude

    What age is "prime" now?

    It seems like late 20's used to be the pinnacle of athletic accomplishment. Yates was down and thrashed by 34.. now I see guys looking their best at early to mid 40's... Do you guys agree that these guys are going further and lasting longer? John Meadows comes to mind... what an incredible...
  19. Presser

    Ostarine back in STOCK at MuscleChemistry Store

    Ostarine mk-2866 is finally back in stock. Thank you
  20. Presser

    Finally Buying a 3d Printer! Been wanting this thing for ages!

    I have been wanting a 3d printer for some time now, and well i am ready to go buy it, i was gonna grab the cheaper one for now, just to get a feel for how it works, then upgrade to a really good one, does anyone have a 3d printer and if so how do you like it, what do you suggest in terms of...