
  1. 9

    Cris Cyborg and the Quest to Reach 135

    <iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe> Published on Jul 17, 2015 Invicta FC Featherweight Champion Cristiane “Cyborg” Justino joins AXS TV’s INSIDE MMA live in studio for an interview with series hosts...
  2. 9

    Mark Hunt reveals childhood of horrific abuse

    Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) heavyweight Mark Hunt has often stated that fighting saved his life. But after taking a peek at a few excerpts from his new memoir, "Born to Fight," it seems "Super Samoan" was fighting since he was a little kid. And he was involved in a battle no child...
  3. Presser

    Anyone ever Gamble through FanDuel or DraftKings Weekly Fantasy Leagues?

    Just curious if anyone has ever played the weekly picks fantasy through draft kings or fan duel I keep seeing commercials and I'm finally going to head over to the sites now and see what its all about, i have no idea honestly but figure fuck it, legal gambling! lol
  4. akn

    Anabolic Steroids and Building Muscle During Endurance Training

    Q: “I understand that heavy training is the key to building muscle, but I have some lagging muscles that just aren’t responding. Sometimes I do a lot of endurance work, but I’ve always avoided that during cycles. Could I get a size benefit from*anabolic steroidswhile doing endurance training?”...
  5. Spiderman

    Back for good!

    It's been a very long time since I was a regular around here, but life has finally reached a point where things are settling down and getting into a predictable routine. I see a few ppl I knew from back in the day and lots of new names. Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself to everyone...
  6. echo419

    Andro gel

    So I've gotten 3 tubes of the stuff for free and I was thinking of using that to cruise on between cycles. Is that even a reasonable idea or am I being dumb? Hell, I'm not even sure how or how much to use. I've got a powerlifting meet this weekend and I'd really like to take a break from...
  7. B

    Hi guys new member here

    Hi to all at musclechems, Great board and tonnes of knowledgeable guys with a wealth of info. Glad to finally sign up after so long lurking behind the scenes. Big thumbs up!
  8. guardianactual

    Finally got my cycle

    Finally bought my aas... I got 4000mg NPP, 10,000mg Test E, 4000mg Master P, 2,000mg Dbol, 750mg Methyl Sten, 3000mg Trestolone Ace and a few peptides I plan to add to thru AAA. I'm excited to go on it's been too long. I enjoyed a run of HCG and IGF1 and my last ghrp/cjc run, but it's juice...
  9. Presser


    We are Finally Back On-line. I apologize for the down time! Our Server Provider lost power in their building and we have been down since Sunday Night! I know it sucks! lol, But we are back thank the GOOD LORD
  10. Presser


    We are Finally Back On-line. I apologize for the down time! Our Server Provider lost power in their building and we have been down since Sunday Night! I know it sucks! lol, But we are back thank the GOOD LORD
  11. Presser

    Finally got the iPhone 6

    Finally my local store had these in stock! So got wife and I a new one each and I had the old 4s and this new phone is huge compared to it! Gonna take some getting use to but I think I'll like it! Does anyone use or know how Apple pay works?
  12. Metal85

    Clean liver---- less fat

    Wow I can't believe that I am finally noticing a difference from adding 1 thing really. I know a ton of people already take stuff like this, but I finally got NAC a couple weeks ago and I am already able to tell it's helping