
  1. Iron Game

    Powerlifting Training

    Powelifting Excercises( Upper Body) UPPER BODY Barbell Extensions: This exercise is designed to isolate the medial and outer heads of the triceps. Begin this movement by lying with your back on a bench. Take a medium to close grip on a barbell. Unrack the weight and extend your arms directly...
  2. LeatherHead

    Well this sucks...

    Over the holiday weekend, went back up north to hang with family. Of course being the "big" and favorite uncle/cousin to the kids, I got nominated to be the toy for the weekend, which I really don't mind. I'd rather play with the kids than hang with half of the adults anyways. So back to the...
  3. Iron Game

    Do Lower Calories Equal A Longer Life?

    by Matt Weik I think it’s safe to say around 75% of Americans could put the fork down a little earlier in the day and step away from the table. To say we have an obesity crisis on our hand is an understatement. With no end in sight, a group of researchers set out to see how putting the fork down...
  4. drtbear1967

    Increase Insulin Sensitivity, Get Abs

    Increase Insulin Sensitivity, Get Abs<!-- /react-text --> <!-- react-text: 1156 -->Are you training your abs and eating clean yet still can't seem to uncover that six-pack? Here's what the problem could be and 5 ways to fix it.<!-- /react-text --> <!-- react-text: 1159 --> <!-- react-text: 1161...
  5. Presser

    New Lower Prices On IGF-1 Lr3 Available For Limited Time.

    New Lower Prices On IGF-1 Lr3 Available For Limited Time. New Prices On IGF-1 Lr3. Buy 6 IGF-1 Lr3 Get 7th Free (New Sale Price) Buy 4 IGF-1 Lr3 Get 5th Free (New Sale Price) All SARM ONLY $55!!! (Andarine, Ligandrol, or Ostarine) LIMITED TIME ONLY! Store Address...
  6. drtbear1967

    How to Reduce Cortisol

    Take This at Night and Reduce Cortisol You're probably already using it. Just make sure to use it at the right time. Cortisol: The Situational Ally Cortisol is essential to human life. By raising levels of blood glucose, cortisol provides the resources to combat stress...
  7. drtbear1967

    The Fat vs Sugar Debate

    The Fat vs Sugar Debate by Matt Weik Once upon a time people who roamed the earth would eat food to sustain energy and to survive. They didn’t have the luxury of half-gallons of ice cream, bags of potato chips, French fries, and beer. But all those...
  8. Iron Game

    Boost Testosterone & Losing Body FaT

    How to Lose Fat & Boost Testosterone Every bodybuilder or athlete understands too much body fat can be detrimental. For the bodybuilder, too much body fat detracts from the physique. The athlete can’t carry too much body fat because it decreases speed and quickness, thus diminishing athletic...
  9. Iron Game

    Use The Leg Press Properly

    Don't think you can't mess up your form on machines? Here are some important reminders of what can go wrong. You'd think the leg press would be idiot-proof. But nope! Like anything else in the weight room, there are any number of ways you can mess it up. Because you don't have to balance the...
  10. Iron Game

    Chest Training Programs, Tips, and Basics

    Basic Chest Training Every man wants a thick, strong chest for the ladies to rest their heads on in bed, as well as to look more masculine in general and fill out that T-shirt. Building a powerful set of pectorals may seem like child’s play, as most of us have been bench-pressing since...
  11. C

    Lower Pricing TheSupplementOutlet.com

    Check out our new prices. You won't beat the quality anywhere. Many of our products are also dosed higher than our competitors at better prices! Aqua-Burn - $34.99 Cyto-Burn - $29.99 Aqua-Alis - $38.99 Vi-Aqua - $32.99 All available at www.TheSupplementOutlet.com
  12. C

    New Lower Pricing TheSupplementOutlet.com

    Check out our new prices. You won't beat the quality anywhere. Many of our products are also dosed higher than our competitors at better prices! Aqua-Burn - $34.99 Cyto-Burn - $29.99 Aqua-Alis - $38.99 Vi-Aqua - $32.99 All available at www.TheSupplementOutlet.com
  13. Iron Game

    Increase Muscle Size & Strength with Cluster Sets

    Increase Muscle Size & Strength with Cluster Sets I’ve been lifting weights now for well over 25 years, and even though I can’t bench press over 400 pounds anymore, I still remember what it took to get to that level of strength. One of the techniques that helped me gain strength the most...
  14. drtbear1967

    DIM - Prostate Health

    Diindolylmethane(DIM) is a very cool molecule that has very unique mechanisms by which it works in the body. DIM actually forms in the body from the molecule indole-3-carbinol, which is found in cruciferous vegetables. There's a lot of confusion online as to how DIM works and what it actually...
  15. Iron Game

    Steroids and Sporting Society

    Steroids and Sporting Society F Kyle Sporting activities are a way of boosting the wellness and the abilities to come up with a higher performance. Athletes who use steroids while exercising or going for a competition are known to pose greater competition among the rest and also come at as...
  16. Dean Destructo

    What would be the perfect lower dose Test C and Tren E cycle?

    Say 12-16 weeks total. I find running too much test and tren E together was problematic, but I can run each on their own no problem. How would you run a lower dosed cycle? I am open to all opinions.
  17. Iron Game

    Build More Muscle & Burn Fat by Manipulating Insulin Levels

    Build More Muscle & Burn Fat by Manipulating Insulin Levels By Mike Murphy Some diets even have you cutting out carbohydrates altogether to control insulin levels. Thus, the question is, when and how is insulin responsible for both? The hormone insulin has been heavily discussed in the...
  18. Iron Game

    Improve Your Lats For That V-Taper...

    Improve Your Lats For That V-Taper... By: Zack Trowbridge One of the hardest parts of developing your back is how difficult it can be to get the stress in the intended area. Too much trap involvement in your rows, too much biceps on your pullups — it’s an area that’s made all the more...
  19. Iron Game

    Anadrol Kicks Ass - Here's Why.

    Anadrol Kicks Ass - Here's Why. If you’re looking for serious size and bulk in short order, then you can’t do much better than Anadrol, the common trade name for the anabolic steroid oxymetholone. First marketed by Syntex as “Anadrol 50,” this drug has been around since the 1960s as a compound...
  20. Iron Game

    For Boosting Muscle & Power Gains Hexagonal Deadlifts

    Hexagonal Deadlifts - For Boosting Muscle & Power Gains Are Hexagonal Bar Deadlifts Better Than Barbell Deadlifts? The deadlift is truly one of the best exercises for developing raw strength and power. The deadlift also provides a potent training stimulus that triggers considerable muscle...