
  1. S

    Next cycle

    just looking for about 5 lbs dry, might lower the tprop for that purpose dont want too much bloat
  2. Iron Game

    100mg Dbol Cycle Goes Wrong

    100mg Dbol Cycle Goes Wrong Cycle The bodybuilder in the Australians' report was 35 years old and weighed 120 kg. He went to a doctor complaining of stomach ache, pain in his limbs, hepatitis and a body temperature of 39 degrees Celsius. His liver was enlarged. The man said he had been...
  3. Iron Game

    Targeting the Lower Abs - Science Shows How

    Targeting the Lower Abs - Science Shows How No area of the body gets more attention than the abs. Having a pronounced “six-pack” is widely considered the ultimate sign of peak physical condition; it is the centerpiece of your body. But as every gym rat knows, achieving an etched six-pack...
  4. jimbosmith316


    <iframe width="854" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/UhdaYh60mM8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  5. Iron Game

    The Testosterone:Cortisol Connection

    The Testosterone:Cortisol Connection Written by By Dan Gwartney, MD Friday, 29 May 2009 Testosterone The Testosterone:Cortisol Connection By Dan Gwartney, MD In the humorous parody periodical, Mad Magazine, a recurring feature is SPY vs. SPY. Two spies, identical except for their coloring...
  6. E

    Must've deadlifting wrong when younger

    I always heard deadlifts were primarily a back exercise. Total body, for sure, but mainly back. I never remember feeling it in my back - well, except my lower back, dowe by my waist, where it hurt - back then. I'm talking late teens. I could pull a lot of weight, just about 500 pounds, but...
  7. Presser

    Our New Store for MuscleChemistry.com ........& About Our Grand Opening Sale

    A lot of you might have noticed we announced the opening of our New Store, and Not only ran a Grand Opening Sale but we Mass Emailed tens of thousands of You about the New Store and New Sale, and well Most of you were unable to make purchases, register an account, or contact us from new store...
  8. The Dude

    Quads without squats?

    What do you guys think? Before I got hurt I would squat at least once a month and my quads were a strong bodypart. It's been over 3 years and I've done some really intense quad training, but there is no doubt my quads are considerably smaller... It's getting to the point where I'm actually a...
  9. Masher59

    The Great Abs Mistake

    THE GREAT ABS MISTAKE: DOING CRUNCHES & SIT UPS BUT STILL NO ABS! <tbody style="margin: 0px;"> 1 </tbody> 2 Are you tired of doing crunches and Sit Ups but still not seeing your Abs! Presser explains the great abs mistake and what you should be doing.After 18 years in the fitness business...
  10. Iron Game

    Manage Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) During Anabolic Steroid Cycle

    By Bill Roberts Q: “Why might I want to keep SHBG levels as normal as reasonably possible, and how would I do that in steroid cycles?” A: Contrary to common opinion that SHBG is the enemy of the weight trainer, allegedly working only to reduce free T, normal SHBG levels serve useful purposes...
  11. Masher59

    Get Big Not Fat!

    GET BIG NOT FAT: THE BEST WAY TO BULK AND BUILD MUSCLE! Stop putting on fat while you are bulking and get your nutrition plan in order to increase you gains without any adding additional fat. Every bodybuilder wants to get big. Unfortunately, in their zeal to get big many bodybuilders...
  12. Masher59

    6 Ultimate Fat Burning Foods

    THE ULTIMATE 6 FAT BURNING FOODS! 0 Having a clean diet will help you lose weight but you can boost fat loss results by adding fat burning foods to your diet plan.Let's face it, we all want lose weight at one time or another. Whether you are trying to burn that extra few pounds from christmas...
  13. Iron Game

    Oral Anabolic Steroid Timing - Dianabol, Anavar, Anadrol, and Winstrol

    Q: “How do I time my use of oral anabolic steroids during the day or week?” A: For anabolic effect, it’s most efficient for levels to be as sustained as possible across the day, within reason. We could compare, for example, taking Dianabol as 50 mg once per day or as 10 mg five times per day...
  14. Iron Game

    Can Blocking Cortisol Lead to Steroid-Like Muscle Gains?

    Q: “The body is always both building up and tearing down. Except for some ads and articles, everyone seems to focus on the anabolism part but not on cortisol’s role in catabolism. Can I get some steroid-like gains from blocking cortisol?” A: No. For some time now, excellent pharmaceutical...
  15. Iron Game

    Masteron as an Addition to Testosterone (TRT)

    Q: I am 42-years old and currently on 100-milligrams of testosterone enanthate per week as part of a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) prescribed by my doctor. I plan on remaining on TRT indefinitely. But I’d like to have a little boost. I am currently 220-lbs but my goal is to return my...
  16. Iron Game

    Masteron as an Addition to Testosterone (TRT)

    Q: I am 42-years old and currently on 100-milligrams of testosterone enanthate per week as part of a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) prescribed by my doctor. I plan on remaining on TRT indefinitely. But I’d like to have a little boost. I am currently 220-lbs but my goal is to return my...

    Superdrol painful back pumps and headache

    I am one week in on using Superdrol (20mg Ed divided into two doses) and have just began getting painful lower back pumps. I am up 6lbs this week and I know it's water weight. Also I take 81mg of aspirin 4 times a day and that really helps with the blood pressure induced headaches. Is there...
  18. 3J

    Correlation between poverty and obesity

    Its not every day i repost an article from a newspaper.. but after reading this, and having grown up poor myself (i was 34% bodyfat at one point in my life) im inclined to believe the claims made.. this is a good read guys What do you guys think? Poverty has a way of rearing its ugly head...
  19. Iron Game

    Building an Impressive Back

    Building an Impressive Back Go to any bodybuilding contest or fitness expo and you will see an array of impressive looking people. Large muscular arms, chest and shoulders fill such events yet often when viewed from behind these people seem to look a lot more average. It’s nearly disappointing...
  20. Iron Game

    How to Get Pumped and Shredded Biceps

    Arms that ripple with muscle and strength are just plain out sexy! Women absolutely love to see a man with nice strong arms and men love to see women with arms that are toned and shapely and do not look like a pair of bat wings flapping in the wind. So what do you need to do to get your arms in...