
  1. 9

    Conor McGregor's Movement Training Explained

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> - - - Updated - - -
  2. Iron Game

    Powerlifting Training

    Powelifting Excercises( Upper Body) UPPER BODY Barbell Extensions: This exercise is designed to isolate the medial and outer heads of the triceps. Begin this movement by lying with your back on a bench. Take a medium to close grip on a barbell. Unrack the weight and extend your arms directly...
  3. Iron Game

    Ted Arcidi First Man To Bench Press Over 700lbs Interviewed

    On March 3, 1985, Ted became the first man in powerlifting history to officially bench-press 700.5 pounds. He made that APF & USPF world-record lift at Gus Rethwisch's Budweiser World Record Breakers in Hawaii. Then, on September 30, 1990, after 5 1/2 years away from competition, he made the...
  4. Iron Game


    Many training principles preach the tune “you’re only as strong as your weakest link”. While this is true and focus does need to be put on bringing up weaknesses, the big picture as a strength athlete is to make the competition movement as strong as possible. I see it everywhere about how in...
  5. drtbear1967

    Fidget Your Way to A Healthier You

    Fidget Your Way to A Healthier YOU by Matt Weik Are you a toe-tapper? Don’t think too deep into that question or become offended. In fact, let’s just get to the point. Many of us have jobs where we have to sit for long periods of time. As most of us...
  6. Iron Game

    Use The Leg Press Properly

    Don't think you can't mess up your form on machines? Here are some important reminders of what can go wrong. You'd think the leg press would be idiot-proof. But nope! Like anything else in the weight room, there are any number of ways you can mess it up. Because you don't have to balance the...
  7. 9

    Head Movement - By Coach Edmond

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>lmao
  8. Iron Game


    Q: I'm trying to add mass but have very limited time to work out. How can I structure a good mass building workout program that won't keep me in the gym all day, every day? A: Your problem of limited time is, in a way, an advantage in that it will prevent you from succumbing to the one factor...
  9. Iron Game

    The Best Training Techniques for Muscle Size & Strength

    The Best Training Techniques for Muscle Size & Strength Optimal strength gains are typically achieved by high-intensity training requiring the use of heavy weights within a low repetition range, while the best hypertrophic response is ordinarily stimulated by the use of moderate weights...
  10. Iron Game

    The Best Training Techniques for Muscle Size & Strength

    The Best Training Techniques for Muscle Size & Strength Optimal strength gains are typically achieved by high-intensity training requiring the use of heavy weights within a low repetition range, while the best hypertrophic response is ordinarily stimulated by the use of moderate weights at a...
  11. Iron Game

    Training Secrets of the Mr. Olympias - Part 2

    Training Secrets of the Mr. Olympias - Part 2 The Mr. Olympia title represents the pinnacle of achievement in the sport of bodybuilding. Beginning in 1965, one man was chosen to represent the absolute best in muscular development in the entire world. It’s only natural that bodybuilders around...
  12. Iron Game

    Improve Your Lats For That V-Taper...

    Improve Your Lats For That V-Taper... By: Zack Trowbridge One of the hardest parts of developing your back is how difficult it can be to get the stress in the intended area. Too much trap involvement in your rows, too much biceps on your pullups — it’s an area that’s made all the more...
  13. Iron Game

    For Boosting Muscle & Power Gains Hexagonal Deadlifts

    Hexagonal Deadlifts - For Boosting Muscle & Power Gains Are Hexagonal Bar Deadlifts Better Than Barbell Deadlifts? The deadlift is truly one of the best exercises for developing raw strength and power. The deadlift also provides a potent training stimulus that triggers considerable muscle...
  14. Iron Game

    Targeting the Lower Abs - Science Shows How

    Targeting the Lower Abs - Science Shows How No area of the body gets more attention than the abs. Having a pronounced “six-pack” is widely considered the ultimate sign of peak physical condition; it is the centerpiece of your body. But as every gym rat knows, achieving an etched six-pack...
  15. Iron Game

    Beast Mode: How to Become a Hardcore Squatter

    It’s time to put aside the bullshit and get under the bar. Ready? Who cares if you’re ready – it’s time to squat! <ins id="aswift_0_expand" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: none; font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; font-weight: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; font-size: inherit...
  16. Presser

    Restore synovial fluid lubrication to improve joint movement with Alflutop Injections.

    What does Alflutop do? Order original ALFLUTOP INJECTIONS from authorized seller: ALFLUTOP is proven to reach peak therapeutic levels in joints within 2 hours to: Relieve pain and reduce inflammation! Restore synovial fluid lubrication to improve joint movement. Inhibit destructive enzymes...
  17. Iron Game

    How Important is Muscular Contraction During Training?

    How Important is Muscular Contraction During Training? As you stroll through gyms and observe trainees of all types and persuasions, you will encounter many different methods of training. You will also observe terrible exercise form used in the exercises, such as barbells swinging with arched...
  18. Iron Game

    Strongman Training for Improved Muscle Thickness

    Strongman Training for Improved Muscle Thickness ’m sure you’ve all read the latest article on the popular muscle building sites abouthow to develop a fuller, thicker back with “these 2 NEW maximal hypertrophy igniting muscle shocking lifts!” The title lures you in, but when you get inside...
  19. Iron Game


    My previous articles have outlined many different training routines and techniques to increase muscle size and strength using the HIT, or High Intensity Protocol. This article continues that with a focus on outlining some of the many diverse HIT Variables or techniques available as revealed in...
  20. Iron Game

    Tips to improve your bench press, powerlifting!

    Tips to improve your bench <!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> I wanted to share a few things that have helped my bench. I will add to the list as I think of more. If anything is unclear, post up and I will try to explain in further detail or get a vid. Strength Verified...