Appetite woes



My appetite keeps tanking although not all the time. I'll get really hungry one day, and then the next, I hardly feel like eating anything. I really don't get it.
Ya what does your diet look like breakdown.Also a high fat diet kills the appetite,maybe you are eating to much fat and you are full from the meal.Fat digests very slow,i know as it happens to me.
I am fine all day long but it seems like night time my appetite goes nuts. I know fiber, casein, water, done all that. I just wish I could go to sleep like normal people not at like 3 in the morning.
some times I experience this too. Sorry I dont have an explanation. Looking for one myself.
me too.... thats why i cant break 210 dammit! I cant wait for my eq......
Try eating something every hour. I started doing this at work. I bring in carrots, boiled eggs, fruit, and left overs. This isnt my lunch.. just stuff i eat thought the day. Dont eat a lot, just snack every hour. I think what this does is turns your body into a constant food processor. I noticed that im always hungry now after doing this for about 2 months. I poop every couple hours too.
Im never hungry, but never have been since I was a I attribute most of it to genetics...The rest of my family complains about being hungry non-stop and they have the opposite body again for me it just seems genetic...

I eat 6000 calories per day. Most guys I know carry much more weight and eat half that.
whats your weight up to now bro?
My first trainer used to blend up chicken breast in water just beacuse he got tired of force-feeding himself. Sounds sick, but it worked.
My first trainer used to blend up chicken breast in water just beacuse he got tired of force-feeding himself. Sounds sick, but it worked.

Doesn't sound good, but at least it's better than tuna. I have heard of guys doing that with tuna--ecch!
Try eating something every hour. I started doing this at work. I bring in carrots, boiled eggs, fruit, and left overs. This isnt my lunch.. just stuff i eat thought the day. Dont eat a lot, just snack every hour. I think what this does is turns your body into a constant food processor. I noticed that im always hungry now after doing this for about 2 months. I poop every couple hours too.

I think that may work for me.
I poop every couple hours too.

thats cause you're full of shit :D

wow! i think i might puke if i did that, lol
exactly. Im done alot of things to keep my appetite up. I try to avoid protein shakes and bars - they all taste like shit except once in blue moon. I stay with whole food which usually has more calories anyways.
I also have changed my diet around. Dont eat the same thing everyday anymore since Im bulking I can change things up and stay fairly lean anyways.
whats up with this saudades? Did you try more often? is it working?

It's been slow, but it seems to be working. I've been able to eat more this last week so I'm hoping I'll be able to get to my target weight soon.
sometimes I think the only way I will gain weight is metabolism slowing down as I get older.
Im 5'7 and hovering around 210ish at maybe say 5% bf...My goal is to be 230ish maybe 8-10%??

How about yourself, you are similar in weight these days right??
im 5'8, between 205-208ish, 10 %bf...... cant seem to break 210.. im upping the doses, adding eq, and upping the cals. I want to be around 230ish too, and not too concerned with bf, cause i have a fast metabolism like dreww