
As for a killer cardio session I recommend jumping rope in intervals. Trust me you'll feel the fat coming right off you! ;)
Latinsteel said:

Now what would you need that? Geesh some women are neversatisfied . :confused:

I'm very happy with the way i look, but was just considering trying something else to tighten up some, i wanted to get the info on what i could take, since i had done anavar already..:p
Can you tell me... does anavar work? I am not looking for some miracle pill, but I am just at a constant struggle with my weight! I am going to do Atkins again... started Monday. I only have about 15-20 lbs to lose.

I am taking Xenadrine... but haven't for the past 4 days, I got Tocilitis. It seems as though no matter what I eat, nothing works. I have tried EVERYTHING. I guess I am just disgusted!
laurlaur said:
Can you tell me... does anavar work? I am not looking for some miracle pill, but I am just at a constant struggle with my weight! I am going to do Atkins again... started Monday. I only have about 15-20 lbs to lose.

I am taking Xenadrine... but haven't for the past 4 days, I got Tocilitis. It seems as though no matter what I eat, nothing works. I have tried EVERYTHING. I guess I am just disgusted!

Just take your time no need to hurry up. The more slowy the weight comes off the better chance of it never coming back.
Whats Toclitis? It seems you have your ducks in a row. Youre working hard, and learing all you can.