normal's 100 day cycle

my bench has really made a rebound. Im at my peak now.... finally. Hit chest, delts, and tri. Had lots of energy after.

I must have done something right the other weekend. Cause that scank is taking off on her husband to come down here for some more... crazy bitch. Oh well, who am i to turn it down- you know?
oh.. i also screwed up yesterday and had 3 tall boys, and 1 1/2 , 15 three mile island hot wings at hooters.

This is my weekly routine. SO just get used to it.
lol norm. Your a dog bro but i love it. I havent had a beer in 2 weeks hehe thats a long time for me. Keep hittin it hard brotha.
The scank showed up friday night. We had brutal sex and i didnt get much sleep. She left yesterday, but i didnt feel like training. Im not sure if im doing legs today or not. We went hiking, and my legs are tired.
training is hard core. Getting great gains. im tired and want to go to bed. Had a ruff day today.
I feel like this cycle it just starting to kick in. Its been what 2 months?? Im just now getting things going.

weight it at 250lbs.
Im going to take advantage of MC's great deal right now. Picking up some IGF.

I feel this should help my enduance which has been a problem. Also, its something i can add to this cycle which is a nice change of pace. I feel i've done nothing but take away since its started.

IGF wont increase my blood pressure, which has been the main problem since day one.
I've really cut back on the cardio since i had some many problems with my blood pressure.

Im leaner than i was the last time i was at 250, but i still feel to fat. IGF should really help me out, i plan on running it in the 40-60 range for a couple months.
taking today off. Was going for some cardio, but didnt work out. Getting some big food in me today. Going heavy legs tomorrow.

Gear is very nice now. Got all the bugs worked out.
Nailed legs today. For some reason, im still about 100lbs below my peak on the squat... Its all from the running/ cardio. I couldnt lift as heavy for the year that i really picked up the cardio. Now im really seeing the loss of squat.

got my IGF already! thanks MC. Unfortunatley, i still need other stuff before i can apply.
normalsucks said:
I've really cut back on the cardio since i had some many problems with my blood pressure.

why did you cut the cardio because of your BP? cardio should help keep your BP in check bro. the other thing you might want to consider is donating blood, sometimes that can help alleviate the extra RBC's from AAS use especially EQ but cardio really does the same thing because you're putting them to work so they're not building up and raising your pressure.

another thing you might want to keep in mind is that whenever you grab a bar and squeeze your hands you are raising your pressure unneccesarily. I see people all the time performing things like leg extensions with a white knuckled grip on the hand rests... this is a waste of energy and raises your pressure so keep your hands only tight enough to not fall off the machine or drop the weights!

when you going to post some new pics of your new smaller self? :moon:
Stopped posting cause i was getting board of my own

But i have some great news. this past Saturday i just hit an all time high on my flat bench. Actually, 20lbs higher. The only thing i can think of to attribute to this gain is i just started adding 2 big protein shakes to my diet everyday for about 4 weeks now.

oh I've been using IGF too, about 80 mcgs per day for the last 3 weeks.
Ending my cycle today. Been feeling like crap the whole time, but im really starting to feel an energy drain again like in the beginning. Sucks, cause im really seeing some interesting gains. Just 2 weeks ago i reached a new max on my flat bench.
1 day off and i feel a lot better. I seriously think my system was taxed. I actually ran about 700mgs of test, and 700mgs of tren per week for 4 solid months.

I plan on just running igf for a while and watching the diet more closely in the next couple months.