Road Rage !!


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I was on my Harley waitng to pull in my driveway.. But the old bitch behide me couldn't wait and she tried to pass me by driving on the shoulder and about took my leg off.. so I gave her the fucking brid.. And then my wife ask if that was called for !!! WTF !!!:finger:
I don't play around when I'm on my bike. People do anything out of line around me and they're gonna know it.

It's too easy to get killed
i love my bike but more and more i'm beginning to hate rdidng it around my area because of all these assholes that have no repect and cant drive...i have road rage anyway but i'm 10x worse on my bike
I don't think you were out of line at all. I don't have a bike or even know how to ride one, but I'm always cautious when I see someone riding because I've got a lot of friends and family that ride so I try to make sure I'm staying a good 50 feet back from them and all that good stuff