Started up again Oct 1, 2009

i have some flu like symptoms. But the wife and 2 kids have swine flu, so I think im fighting that off. But i go through periods where the fatigue is finally gone and i feel f-ing amazing. Today i was doing deads and shit my pants. I didnt even let that stop me, i just whipped up and kept going man- I went balls to the wall and ended up puking after.

Im staying on the prop/tren for 2 more weeks then taking 2 months off everything.
appetite is back. Im feeling much better too. I just hope i can control my carb cravings without the dnp. The feeling of nausea while on dnp helped control hunger pains.
Im looking the best right now of my whole cycle. waist is down to 40" arms are back up to 19.5

Unfortunately, Its time to come completely off. Generally i come off when the gains start to slow down, or i start to feel like crap, or the length of the cycle has gone past 16 weeks.

This has been a different cycle though. Im weaker now than before i started the diet. I felt lethargic through the whole cycle-even now after i've discontinued the dnp. Sex drive has been way lower. So- to be honest, I dont feel the normal effects of being "on" I imagine that i could stay on for the next couple weeks and things would improve. But, why tax the body just to feel "on", why wait to start making gains. Id much rather go off, clean up the receptors and then do a mass cycle in 2 months. -thats assuming i can keep the fat off.

So all in all, im very happy with the fat loss. I wish i could have added mass on too, but this is just life proven=its nearly impossible to add mass and cut at the same time.

I really hope this log helps some people with dnp usage.
Congratz man im coming off this week as well now i just hope i can keep my gains with pct haha. Im gonna wait till the end of the upcoming year before I run ym next cycle want those receptors to clear up completely. Your only going to go off for 2months?
yeah... i was only on for 7 weeks. so 2 months should be plenty. I plan on doing a IGF and Clomid combo. Should really help me keep the fat off.
I've been off the gear for 9 days. I think the dnp for 2 weeks. HOLLY shit has my appetite kicked in. Im having a very hard time controlling my diet. Im still trying my best to stick to it. -no i didnt put any fat back on.
for those of you who are wondering about a weight rebound after dnp, i just have to say that it doesn't happen. Im dropping even more weight just watching carbs and cardio about 3x per week. I stabilized for a while, cause i wanted to maintain a certain body weight do to my bouncing job. But now, I think im just going to keep cutting down- f-it!...
here is a pic from today. Im holding a little water from hcg. But getting there... Im going to turn it up a notch, and try to cut down some more.
when you look at the two pics of my avatar and todays.... Not much change.... But!!

I was on a shit load of gear when i took the one for my avatar. I've been off for 3+ weeks.