Tips a former Pro gave me for fat reduction

The Survivor

New member
Recently I had a convo with an ex professional bodybuilder who's from the golden era....anyway I told him I'm pretty frustrated that I've been doing cardio and eating clean for well over a year and still cant rid myself of belly fat enough to compete again. He told me he's seen this many times in clients he has. He also knows what gear I've been taking along w/GH over the years. Here's some of the highlights he suggested for me to regain that 6 pak I used to have:

*First and foremost get off the anabolic's and GH and reduce my BF down to 10% mark THEN go back on. Apparently there's something that yr after yr of being on the gear causes fat to accumulate in the mid section esp. for someone my age. Maybe some hormonal imbalance I suppose. This sounds so paradoxical.....but he claimed that this will work
*No more than two 20 min cardio sessions per day max. Too much cardio cuts at muscle and in turn slows metabolism. He's a firm believer in diet manipulation for fat removal than tons of cardio
*Hes a believer in LEAN red meats even pre-contest, such as NY Strip steak,Porterhouse or Filet.
*He says to keep my fat intake around 100 grams/day which seems high, I was thinking is a tad high

The rest he told me was common sense like eating at regular intervals and taking fat burning supps etc. Does any of this make sense to you?

PS Gotta judge a BB show today!! :coollook:
Recently I had a convo with an ex professional bodybuilder who's from the golden era....anyway I told him I'm pretty frustrated that I've been doing cardio and eating clean for well over a year and still cant rid myself of belly fat enough to compete again. He told me he's seen this many times in clients he has. He also knows what gear I've been taking along w/GH over the years. Here's some of the highlights he suggested for me to regain that 6 pak I used to have:

*First and foremost get off the anabolic's and GH and reduce my BF down to 10% mark THEN go back on. Apparently there's something that yr after yr of being on the gear causes fat to accumulate in the mid section esp. for someone my age. Maybe some hormonal imbalance I suppose. This sounds so paradoxical.....but he claimed that this will work
*No more than two 20 min cardio sessions per day max. Too much cardio cuts at muscle and in turn slows metabolism. He's a firm believer in diet manipulation for fat removal than tons of cardio
*Hes a believer in LEAN red meats even pre-contest, such as NY Strip steak,Porterhouse or Filet.
*He says to keep my fat intake around 100 grams/day which seems high, I was thinking is a tad high

The rest he told me was common sense like eating at regular intervals and taking fat burning supps etc. Does any of this make sense to you?

PS Gotta judge a BB show today!! :coollook:

Makes alot of sense, especialy getting of the gear until your down to around 10%-12%

As for the steak precontest, yep i was told to eat a big steak the morning before my first show,lol, I didnt questions it i just listened,lol.

and i undertand the reaosnining for less cardio when it startes cutting into your muscle , and muscle burns fat, but i dont know that 20 minutes will start cutting into ur muscle, but i guess its where ur at bf% wise and what type of cardio ur doing

but to answer your question, yes it all makes sense to me
Makes alot of sense, especialy getting of the gear until your down to around 10%-12%

As for the steak precontest, yep i was told to eat a big steak the morning before my first show,lol, I didnt questions it i just listened,lol.

and i undertand the reaosnining for less cardio when it startes cutting into your muscle , and muscle burns fat, but i dont know that 20 minutes will start cutting into ur muscle, but i guess its where ur at bf% wise and what type of cardio ur doing

but to answer your question, yes it all makes sense to me
What I meant by the lean steak, was that he had no issues w/me eating that on a regular basis during the dieting which I thought was kinda odd. Maybe his logic was red meat makes you strong thusly keeping your size. He had no problem w/salmon either right up to the contest
It all makes sense, thing is everyone is different. I found that older I get more carb sensitive I become. I thought about just getting of my 200 mg dose a week but I just can't and I wont. I eat red meat every day. At least a pound and I love it. Im thinking of heading to Costco right now for some. I definetly agree on the 100 grams of fats but disagree on the Cardio. I do an hour a day min with 90 max. Im doing low intensity now like lifecycle shit next to the lame asses. I am full keto now with 9 weeks left.
What I meant by the lean steak, was that he had no issues w/me eating that on a regular basis during the dieting which I thought was kinda odd. Maybe his logic was red meat makes you strong thusly keeping your size. He had no problem w/salmon either right up to the contest

I dont understand bro, what do u find odd about eating salmon and red meat precontest
I dont understand bro, what do u find odd about eating salmon and red meat precontest
I realize this is a subjective matter but John Parillo of Parillo Performance products who was a judge back in the day and actually judged me, has always wrote in his magazine to avoid red meats and keep the fish limited to white fish only (meaning tuna, cod etc) when pre-contest. So I guess its the fat content...then again I also realize that the salmon is the good kind that doesn't make you fat per se.

I guess I always associated red meats with bulking up but the key word here is LEAN red meat
I was told by Quincy Taylor manny times when he lived in Dallas when dieting to start off every morning with an 8 oz steak beacuse it would jump start your metabolism better than anything else. It takes so much energy to breakdown a steak it kicks starts the metabolism first thing in the AM.
I was told by Quincy Taylor manny times when he lived in Dallas when dieting to start off every morning with an 8 oz steak beacuse it would jump start your metabolism better than anything else. It takes so much energy to breakdown a steak it kicks starts the metabolism first thing in the AM.
I assume he meant lean steak, but what else for breakfast? A veggie or fruit?
I'm pretty sure he would have sweet potatoes with it. I don't know of anyone who diets with fruit.
I fully understand the logic that fruits contain sugars regardless that they are naturally occuring sugars,they still act the same as far insulin sensitivity. But Robby Robinson told me he had no problem w/fruits pre-contest as long as it was in moderation.

The one factor I always wonder about talking to the pros is that they are naturals and even if they did everything wrong, it would still work at least to a point. So I take thier advice w/a grain of salt.

But back to John Parillo, he also writes in his magazine to avoid fruits.
carbs are the enemy when it comes to body fat. ask a diabetic why insulin makes them fat. dietary fat is your best friend; energy dense and tasty. why is that if they are "so bad for you"? i don't care what "they" say, how's that usda food pyramid workin for ya? wait, weren't they the ones that said that apple juice loaded with arsenic was okay?
I think every body is so different. Whatever works for you is what you should do and I totally agree that less cardio is better if you can do it that way. Always manipulate the diet first. However there are "ways" to attack the fat and spare the muscle while dieting. I do zero fats when I diet except for what is naturally left in my boiled chicken or in tilapia, usually do that right about now at 12 weeks out, makes your skin dry as hell though. I also never eat red meat precontest and that means for 18 weeks and of course no salmon due to the fat content. That is what works for me, but I know many people try many different ways to find what works for them. I will say for my first two contest I did things different and did have red meat am before show and had fats but the way I looked at the Nats and the way I looked at the other two shows is night and day so I stick to what I do now. I get absolutely nothing delicious to carb up with or before stage or between day and night show. It's all the same, it's all dry and it works for me.