Your best piece of body building advice. What is it?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
If you could give someone one piece of body building advice what would it be.
For me : Eat like garbage and look like garbage. Lift all the weights you want, but don't eat right and you will not see much in the line of results.
1 - consistency is key
2 - write it ALL down... weight, lifts, cardio, diet, etc. write it all down and keep track. You'll thank me later.
I thought of something else pretty important. By the way I write my workouts down and push myself to overcome my previous reps and poundages everytime.

He is my other advice:
Doing an exercise correctly is more important than doing huge amounts of weight. There use to be a guy at the gym I worked out at that would let 315 drop with no resistance doing flat bench. It looked like his chest was gonna get crushed. I have noticed on shoulders if I do lower weight with stricter form I get better results as well.
dont count reps just set, another words ...always go to failure!
Presser said:
dont count reps just set, another words ...always go to failure!
i do this alot too.

Also just consistency for sure i need to obied by this rule as well.
ever wonder what your failure really is?? cause it probley wasnt that last rep...
diet. Best thing I ever did was start eating. At 175, i still have a long way to go but at least I finally eat.
I am doing this for my info partially, but here is the real reason. A friend of mine has a 16 year old who he ignores to be honest. I have kinda taken him under my wing and spend time with him and bring him places, like to the movies when my son and I go. Here is the sad part. This kid is 5'8 and weighs at least 275. I have really been considering training him a couple days a week to keep him from being a health danger. I am going to type all of these things and make a list for him. He started walking home from school to try and lose some weight, but it isn't helping much. His family has poor eating habits. His dad is 5'6 and weighs 195, looks 6 months pregnant and has no desire to help him either. I just wanted to let you know why I was doing this.
when you do that how long is recovery there has to be a span of time for your anabolic process. Just like the catabolic process. remember its a cycle and a trained cycle. then when your body adjusts to that how do you change it up. Catabolism is the destructive phase of metabolism.However it can be part of a normal process,such as normal bone growth and bone breakdown.Catabolismoccurs when the body is stressed for a long perios of time.Various systems are over worked and can not keep up. the body begins to breakdown.For example if the digestive system does not work well, we get constipated.The thyroid may be over stressed, so it stops and secreting hormones. Cortisol, a stress hormone, keeps secreting and the the body begins a cycle to do damage. then ther has to be a process of the body to heal itself, it begins the constructive phase of metabolism called anabolism.Asthe body begins to heal, systems of the body begin to build back up and function again.How ever, anabolism can be negative as well. What is the span of time for recovery? There has to be some homeostasis to regulate. cycles are round and constant. remeber you are training-your muscle to respond to you program. The key work is training your muscle. i like your theory i want to know more about it?
Your metabolism is all of the chemical and pysical process that take place inside the body resulting in growth, production of energy , elimination of wastes and other body functions.
reps are tools to measure so its constant becasue training is a process that takes time. reps measure the amount of time and range of the muscles motion and the structure of the length of the muscle or it becomes a momentum of the movement. Then your not lifting the weight your just shifting your energy from the muscle. then you are changing the structure of your form. I like your theory where is the inercia of the cycle what would be a sign of where the healing process would begin.
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for someone like that I would stress - Just keep at it. Even if you miss here and there
dont stop - keep pluging away. I always ask how long it took someone to get like
that - then stress it took time to get it and it will take time to loose it. Also tell them that if they only loose a pound a week - in a year they will have lost 50lbs. What do they want to look like in a year? Hey, 1 pound every 2 weeks will be 25lbs in a year!!
Good luck bro.
I forgot to mention this. He used to have seizures really bad and has a stimulator in his neck that is attached somewhere in his brain. His dad is a good guy, but I think he has real problems relating. I just want to see this guy in this shape. He was homeschooled for 5 or so years and has very little social interaction skills, so I know kids pick on him. Anyways thanks for the advice. I feel like if I can get him doing something for six months I might be able to ingrain some good habits in him.
mikeswift said:
1 - consistency is key
2 - write it ALL down... weight, lifts, cardio, diet, etc. write it all down and keep track. You'll thank me later.

You have to write down your heavy sets. This gives you a challenge next time you lift, to beat your last, gives you a sense of accomplishment. Makes it more of a game against yourself.
Writing everything down is very motivating. I have broken one of my plateaus recently with biceps by this very method.