Carriejune Anne Bowlby Profile & Stats

By Presser
February 8, 2022
5 min read

The biography, life, and accomplishments of Carriejune Anne Bowlby

Fitness model

Carriejune Anne Bowlby is an American fitness model, influencer, and social media celebrity born on 7 February 1996 in New Jersey. With over 1.7 million followers on Instagram, she is one of the most sought-after personalities in the industry.

Below is a complete breakdown of Carriejune Anne Bowlby’s profile, stats, biography, training, and diet regimens.

Full Name: Carriejune Anne Bowlby

Weight Height Date Of Birth
125-135 lbs 5’4″ 07/2/1996
Division Era Nationality
Fitness Model,

Social Media Celebrity

2010 American

Blonde fitness girl


Carriejune Anne Bowlby caught the fitness bug in her schooling years. She started her fitness journey in the 5th grade with track and field, gymnastics, and cheerleading.

Talking about her childhood, Carriejune revealed that her life revolved around fitness while growing up. She stunned everyone in her high school with her energy and flexibility. 

On top of that, she did not limit herself to athletics. She took her fitness journey to the next level by persuading her mom to buy her a set of weights.

As time progressed and her physique improved, the social media star became obsessed with building more muscle and competing in fitness shows. To realize her goal, Carriejune started training at home with the basic equipment her mom bought her.

“I got my first set of 8lb weights and proceeded to have my mom buy me all of those workout equipment you see on the infomercials like shake weights, ab coasters, etc.” – Carrijune Anne Bowlby

In her junior year of high school, Carriejune realized she had outgrown her bare-bone home gym. The fitness model then decided she needed to join a gym to build the strong and muscular physique she had always wanted. 

Finding a footing in the gym

After toiling hard in the gym for several months, Bowlby started seeing improvements in her strength and overall physique. She began posting photos on her social media profiles to share her progress and keep herself accountable. 

Since starting her fitness journey, Bowlby has become a well-known fitness icon and professional model. Her engaging, informative, and motivating posts have inspired and helped many people begin their body transformations.

Carriejune arguably has one of the best washboard abs for a female fitness athlete. Besides, her quads and calves could put many Men’s Physique competitors to shame. 

Carriejune Anne Bowlby has a loyal following on Instagram. Bowlby’s genuine and transparent approach keeps her fans coming back to her page for more.

Bowlby is inspired by the Brazilian fitness star and IFBB pro, Larissa Reis, and aspires to build a physique like her. 

“My favorite female athlete is Larissa Reis! She was my first fitness inspiration, I love how feminine she looks with all the muscle she has!” – Carriejune Anne Bowlby 

Bowlby is much more than a pretty face with a perfectly chiseled body. She is an entrepreneur and owns a clothing brand called Minibeast Apparel. Quite an apt name, we must say. 

Carriejune Anne Bowlby


Carriejune Anne Bowlby trains six days a week. She does not have a fixed rest day. Bowlby likes to take a day off from training when she feels her body needs more time to recover. 

The social media icon follows straightforward workouts. She uses a similar rep range, weights, and sets for all her workouts. 

Carriejune starts her workouts by performing 4 sets of 20-15 reps on the first exercise of the day. She likes to limit her rest duration to less than 30-seconds for the first lift. 

After she is done with the first exercise, Carriejune moves onto heavy compound lifts, where she does 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps with around 60-seconds of rest between sets.

From there, Bowlby moves to the last part of her exercises where she does isolation lifts. For the isolation lifts, the Instagram star likes to do supersets with a rep range of around 15. She does around 3-4 sets of each exercise. She limits the rest duration to less than 45-seconds for the last part of her workout.

Carriejune’s Sample Training Routine:

Quad-focused Leg Day: Day 1

Back: Day 2

Shoulders: Day 3

Chest: Day 4

Glutes/Hamstring-focused Leg Day: Day 5

Arms: Day 6

Rest: Day 7

Fitspo Instagram


Carriejune follows the carb cycling technique when she needs to lean down for a show or a photo shoot. Carb cycling entails having two low-carb days followed by one high-carb day.

3/4 cup of oats and egg whites in the morning is the only constant on her diet plan whether she is bulking up or trying to lose body fat. 

Girl with abs


Carriejune Anne Bowlby uses the following supplements:

  • Pre-workout: Helps her power through her workouts.
  • Whey protein: She relies on a whey protein supplement to improve her recovery process.
  • Fish Oil: Studies have shown that omega 3, found in fish oil is one of the best nutrients to improve your heart and joint health. 
  • Multivitamin: A multivitamin supplement ensures that Carriejune is meeting her daily micronutrient needs. 

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