Pain and Gain movie


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Anyone go see it? Was it worth seeing? I know im a little late on this since it came out in April lol
Watched it today, I did like the rock as the coked up guy, but as a whole I didn't really care for the movie.
It was out there. Its hard to believe it was a true story. It was alright.
watched it the other night kinda strange in some ways the rock was pretty good playing a coked up crack head, but there's some hot woman in the flick
download it, an yes Presser is correct, it's not really cool to make a comedy about a person that was kidnapped, beaten and tazed until he signed over all his shit, and than they killed someone, I guess that would be funny in 'Merica, but oh wait we aren't the barbarians, I forgot. Yeah I ranted that shit right there. It was an OK movie nothing great, def no 21 jumpstreet or TED