Recent content by LaMastaKilla

  1. L

    weak chest

    maybe your overtraining your chest tryin to play catch up
  2. L

    ARMS only workout

    i hit them light on back and chest days early in the wk and i'll pound arms later in the wk super setting between bi's and tri's
  3. L

    Question about Standing Milatarys

    i prefer them seated... and i also tend to do them without a back support, like on a flat bench.... makes u keep very strict form
  4. L

    2 6-weekers vs 1 12-weeker

    i prefer to never come off... but i know of some that have had much success with short blitz cycles
  5. L

    6 monther ???

    this topic always bothers me too... i am worried about being shut down for that long, especially since i am only 22. i have been on for about 4 months now, and plan on staying on for a couple more...
  6. L

    push ups as best chest excersise ever?

    maybe they are the best for building up endurance... def not size or strength...
  7. L

    vet gear

    i love QV prop... the 100mg/ml shit
  8. L

    shoulder presses--which is the one that works best?

    i prefer dumbells but every once in awhile i'll do them on the smith machine alternating front/behind the neck presses every other rep... i love them
  9. L

    Squats,what other exercises do you do on SQUAT DAY?

    squat or front squat hack squat leg press deadlift leg curls extensions
  10. L

    Another Quad infection EQL products

    i liked their eq and enanthate
  11. L

    Beginners Cycle Help!!!

    bro gain some knowledge first... read up some profiles and do research like the other bro's have said... don't jump right into things without knowing your way around you wanna do it and do it right... but for a first cycle research
  12. L

    Do you aspirate????

    i always do...
  13. L

    How old until slin is okay?

    i'm 22 and i'm gonna be running slin/hgh/igf with gear this summer... i'm gonna be alternating the igf and slin though
  14. L

    too tiny for fitness

    nope... never too small... look good to me! good luck with it...
  15. L

    Long R3 IGF-1 question

    ya don't mix it just draw up some igf and then some b-12, BW, or whatever you plan on mixing it with... don't add anything to the vial though...