Recent content by ProfitsWorld

  1. ProfitsWorld

    whats a good primo cycle guys?

    I just run 200mg a week along with var, test, deca and im happy...I use primo in all cyles and the same with var.
  2. ProfitsWorld


    Hope this helps some! Episodic vasospasm (constriction of small arteries) of the digits. It is characterized by digital blanching, cyanosis(blue), a feeling of numbness or dulled sensory response and rubor (red) after cold exposure and rewarming. It can also be induced by anxiety or stress...
  3. ProfitsWorld

    nutrivet winny

    I hate oil based winny!!! The solvent used stinks like crap and just make me sick and hurts.
  4. ProfitsWorld

    Don't u just hate this?

    Lol those are the reasons why I have very little friends and that I stay in my house all the time........ After work, school and hard ass training my will power is at home eating my meals and sitting on the couch watching t.v...... Plus people just dont understand that by just teasing you it...
  5. ProfitsWorld

    Overdosed Zinc

    Just dont get it your taking in all that zinc.....then drinking shitty milk.......then switching to atkins diet>??? Brother I wouldnt be doing any atkins diet...I wouldnt be drinking milk or taking in that much Zinc???
  6. ProfitsWorld


    Wouldnt piss on walmart???? I am talking about getting cheaper clothing to stay coverd which seem to fit me fine. About pissing on walmart I would hope you wouldnt piss anywhere except a toilet.
  7. ProfitsWorld


    Walmart brotha!!!!! Lol get them XXL sweat pants and XXL long sleeves and im good to go!
  8. ProfitsWorld

    Overdosed Zinc

    I take 50mg of zinc which is plenty...I think your Zinc is way to high and you need to drop that dose. I can see the magneisum being 500mg but not the zinc. Symptoms of over dose body as a whole burning sensation metallic taste pain shock no urine output blood in urine pain upon...
  9. ProfitsWorld


    As Dr. Janet Hull writes in her July newsletter, eating sucralose--brand name Splenda--is like ingesting tiny amounts of chlorinated pesticides. If this sounds unappealing to you, it certainly doesn't to Splenda's marketing team, who say they've "done a great job of redefining sweetness."...
  10. ProfitsWorld


    I carry 1 gallon with me in gym, work, school etc..... I keep 2 gallons in my truck which will be done by the time I get back home for the day. I pay $.59 a gallon so its cheap and effective and why pay $1.00 for a machine bottle of water when you can pay less than a dollar for same type of...
  11. ProfitsWorld

    how you handle...

    hmmm Well I really dont get to many guys coming up to me in the gym..... I get a lot of the guys stareing at me which gets me really pissed off..... I tend to just not make eye contact and I see a lot of people who knew me from years back but I just dont make eye contact so they dont bug...
  12. ProfitsWorld

    orbitz labs ethanate???

    Very good I will vouch for all Orbit products!!
  13. ProfitsWorld

    Magic Soluition?

    Someone tell me what the magic soulution is? What is it composed of?