Recent content by ready2grow

  1. R

    where's your favorite place to hide your gear?

    Sams club has an inwall safe that will fit between two studs. It can be hidden behind a picture, in an office this will add to the appeal when you sell your house and it is about $150.00 (I think)
  2. R

    Vet Sustanon250?

    there is always just QV Enathate 250 which is good and I Tornel or Brovel makes a supertest 250 that is like sustenon but may be underdosed. I ran across another called (I Think) Test 4LA.
  3. R

    best d-ball

    I read somewhere that british dragon had 50mg Dbol tabs, anyone else heard this and if so anyone try them?
  4. R

    Looking for the best ECA substitute around

    stacker has some mints that are 50 mg of caffeine for 2 of them for $1.35 you get the equivalent of 10 cups of coffee
  5. R


    Not quite sure if they are real, send to me and I will let you know, jk. Looks real to me. looks just like the ones I had last year
  6. R

    parabolin and winstrol blue tabs

    tren prop and winny is a good cutting cycle, blue pills sound like they could be masteron or winny, I have some now. I like them.
  7. R

    cycle suggestions?

    not intending to run big cycle right now just a little one to get back into it. Bodyfat % not sure. Also have about 40cc of tren 75mg per cc. Dbols are 5mg white triangles. not sure if I should up the EQ, I can get more gear. looking to look good for class reunion, dont want to get huge...
  8. R

    cycle suggestions?

    Thinking about running 1cc QV enanthate 250 and 1cc of QV Bold 200 every 3rd day(2 10cc bottles of each). Also have 61 naps and 21 zambons. any suggestions? 5'9" 175lbs. Looking to still fit in suits, put on lean mass. class reunion in about 2 months
  9. R

    old Site

    no prob, trying to find A*** and found old file with all the info I needed. Thanks
  10. R

    old Site

    thinking of professionalmuscle, thanks for the try, been so long forgot about my ziplip account
  11. R

    old Site

    tryimg to remember another site I used to visit frequently, not as good as MC but would still like to remember, similar to MC
  12. R

    hgh ?

    Thanks that is what I wanted to know, I got 10 vials of hgh and water with it.
  13. R

    hgh ?

    Recently got a hgh kit, does it need to be refrigerated at all times or just after it is mixed?
  14. R

    A few pics of me !

    Sounds like muclemaggirl is running some intense gear, there is no reason to get so offended, this is a great sight and I am sorry if she doesn't feel that way. claire you look great, only 4 months of working out, you will even get better. if you ever dump shiko give me a pm, just don't tell...
  15. R

    Pics of T82

    [Edited] [I geuss you didnt read what "Dad" said right abowe you!] ChemE