cycle suggestions?


New member
Thinking about running 1cc QV enanthate 250 and 1cc of QV Bold 200 every 3rd day(2 10cc bottles of each). Also have 61 naps and 21 zambons. any suggestions? 5'9" 175lbs. Looking to still fit in suits, put on lean mass. class reunion in about 2 months
ready2grow said:
Thinking about running 1cc QV enanthate 250 and 1cc of QV Bold 200 every 3rd day(2 10cc bottles of each). Also have 61 naps and 21 zambons. any suggestions? 5'9" 175lbs. Looking to still fit in suits, put on lean mass. class reunion in about 2 months

How many cycles have you done and what were your net gains from them? What is your BF? As it stands witrh what you have you will be able to run the test for 5 weeks(500mg spread out over 250mg 2x week) and the EQ for 5 weeks(400mg spread out over 2x week). Assuming 20mg of dbol, you will only be able to run the dbol for 2 weeks. If you decide to use the zambons, you can run them for three weeks at 1 amp ED. Was your intention to run a short or longer cycle? If longer you will need more AS.
not intending to run big cycle right now just a little one to get back into it. Bodyfat % not sure. Also have about 40cc of tren 75mg per cc. Dbols are 5mg white triangles. not sure if I should up the EQ, I can get more gear. looking to look good for class reunion, dont want to get huge want to put on some lean mass while cutting Bf. have taken cycles for about 4 years on and off. Last cycle was 1cc of QV prop and 1cc of tren EOD along with test enanthate. Had a kit of growth but got rid of it. Basically got real busy at work and just now getting back in the gym. I don't have to use all the gear and can get more. Also have about 10cc of QV winny 100. looking for about 8-10 weeks for this cycle.
I personally think you should go 12wks. min. To accomplish what you want, I would say up the eq to 600 and throw that tren in there at 50-75ED toward the end. Run the eth at 500 and/or add some prop. Leave the dbols and winnies out, you don't got enough, and you'll get what you want without them.
yeah longer like brew said bro , those extra few last weeks make such a difference on gains trust me,