I put my girlfriend on afip anavar and it’s been a huge disappointment.
Been on 10mgs a day of anavar for her and 50mgs a day of anavar for me.
We BOTH I’ve had a lot of weird side effects. For me I’m bloating up a lot and I’m definitely retaining water and for her she’s growing some facial hair...
Looking to get mild benefits and lean muscle mass with fat loss.
I’m currently five foot 10
216 pounds and more approximately 14% body fat
I’m wondering what you think about using Primo and anavar together
do you think this is a good cycle or do you think it’s very weak?
Currently 500mgs a week...
been using afip.org anavar for the past 6 weeks.
First off I blew up about 20 pounds on this crap. That should not happen on anavar based on my research.
Second off I got bloodwork checked and my estrogen is sky high. It’s so high that I’m even getting itchy nipples. No doubt they sold me fake...
48 years old, I’m a bigger guy clocking in at 260 pounds and looking to recomp. Do NOT want to lose my strength or size, but I do want to lean out while also putting on muscle.
Any advice on this stack below?
200mgs test cyp
400mgs primo
50mgs a day anavar.
been using 25mgs of anavar from misterolympia shop. Wasn’t seeing any results so I decided to increase the dose up to 50 milligrams a day which is what I see a lot of people using it at.
The weird thing is now I’m starting to bloat up at that dosage. Its really ridiculous.
There is no way that...
Hey I’m in my mid 40’s and 6’4’’ and 235 pounds. Looking to cut down and build some lean mass and strength
my training routine is 4x per week and I do cardio usually 2-3x per week high intensity
calories right now are 3600 per day
What do you think about using primo with test and anavar?
I’m interested in trying a short eight week cycle using testosterone propionate and some anavar
what would you think about doing 50mgs a day of the test prop and then adding in another 50mgs of the anavar every morning?
Do you think I’ll get good results on the stack?
I’m 40 years old and I’m...
Looking to do lean muscle mass and a mild cycle
I mostly stick to the gym but I also do some cardio
50 years old and I have been using steroids off and on for 10 or 15 years
225 pounds and I’m six foot three
if you had to pick between anavar and tbol to add to my existing trt which would you...
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