
  1. drtbear1967

    Achieving Goals. How to Finally Succeed.

    <header class="entry-header">Achieving Goals is Hard and Most People Fail. Here’s How to (Finally) Success by Nia Shanks </header>I know how she feels, the woman in the picture above. You probably do too. Many of us set goals, life-changing goals, only to end up not in celebration from...
  2. Iron Game

    Simply Put... The Importance of Hormones and Glands

    Simply Put… The Importance of Hormones and The Glands That Control Them Our endocrine system is much more complex than testosterone and estrogen that most of us think of when we hear “hormones”. Hormones control – · Thirst and hunger · Body temperature · Mood ·...
  3. drtbear1967

    Turinabol (TBOL) Best of Both Worlds

    <h1>Turinabol, also known as Turanabol , Tbol</h1> is the dream oral steroid of those wanting to experience the effectiveness of the legendary dianabol coupled with the safety of anavar. In fact, it is the least known version of dianabol, and in spite of this familiarity, they are very different...
  4. drtbear1967

    10 Life Changing Mottoes Women Should Embrace

    <header class="entry-header">10 Life Changing Mottoes Women Should Embrace by Nia Shanks </header> We live in a world that tells women to value themselves first by their physical appearance. We’re taught from a young age that how we look matters most, and we should manipulate our bodies with...
  5. drtbear1967

    Increase female libido?

    Is there anything out there that really increase the female libido?
  6. Iron Game

    Young Female Athletes: The Risks

    Young Female Athletes: The Risks by Matt Weik Many kids and young adults these days engage in athletics. For some its recreational and for others it’s organized competition. One thing many don’t focus on is the nutritional aspect and what it could be doing to young athletes’ bodies...
  7. drtbear1967

    The Hormone Cycle and Female Lifters

    Here's what you need to know... The menstrual cycle has a huge influence on a female's metabolic state and training results. The follicular phase is when women should focus on progress. It's characterized by a higher tolerance for pain and increasing levels of endurance. Insulin sensitivity...
  8. drtbear1967

    1-testosterone / DHB Profile

    1-testosterone 1-testosterone (dihydroboldenone), or DHB for short, is an anabolic steroid that has some unique properties of interest to bodybuilders. Interestingly, in spite of the fact that the name can be confusing, in no way is DHB testosterone. In fact, it is simply the 5alpha reduced...
  9. drtbear1967

    How to lose fat Part 2

    by Mike Arnold In Part 1 of this article I addressed a particular conundrum that most of us face at one point or another during our bodybuilding journey—attempting to stay lean while maximizing muscle growth. Inevitably, many have found that trying to accomplish both at once results in one or...
  10. drtbear1967

    How to come off show prep the correct way.

    By Matt Porter I can’t count how many times I have heard Bodybuilding/Physique competitors publicize on Social Media what they will be devouring after their contest is finished. I have seen people buy and stockpile hundreds of dollars’ worth of empty calorie, non-conducive to Bodybuilding, junk...
  11. drtbear1967

    IGF down and dirty

    Many people may be interested in MC IGF-LR3 but are confused about a few things. It is the purpose of this thread to answer some of those questions and clear up the confusion. Why should I take IGF? IGF is a great resource for anyone looking to add quality size. Without going into the science...
  12. Scrachbox

    Off season figure suggestions

    Okay so my gf did her first figure show npc muscle beach championships and got first in class A novice. We were both super happy with her results. Right now she's taking atleast a year off to pack on some quality muscle before she competes again. Obviously her diet and training are on point...
  13. T

    Anyone test their IGF1 levels?

    So supplementing with IGF1 should raise your IGF1 levels on a blood test correct? Just like HGH would? Has anyone using musclechem igf1 tried checking these levels? Im about to get a female panel done but i think im going to throw igf1 on there also because im curious.
  14. drtbear1967

    Female use of IGF -1 Lr3

    Crew, There has to be data out there regarding females that have used IGF-1 Lr3. Can someone give me some feedback, please. Thank you.
  15. jimbosmith316

    Female Bodybuilding-Brienne Eubanks bikini

    Mmmmm <iframe width="854" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/q5B83btPqek" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  16. jimbosmith316

    Female Bodybuilding-Asha Hadley

    Cut <iframe width="854" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ypGUPEO6aac" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  17. jimbosmith316

    Sheila Bleck - Female Muscle Fitness Motivation

    She is a beast! <iframe width="854" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/hAxiHec6mVc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  18. jimbosmith316

    IFBB female muscle webcam

    <iframe src="http://flashservice.xvideos.com/embedframe/21587513" frameborder=0 width=510 height=400 scrolling=no allowfullscreen=allowfullscreen></iframe>
  19. jimbosmith316

    The Uncertain Olympic Future for Trans and Intersex Athletes

    What are your thoughts or should they just leave things alone? The participation of trans and intersex athletes in elite sporting competitions has been controversial for decades, and the debate is centered around testosterone. There has never been an out transgender competitor in the...
  20. jimbosmith316

    Sunday Morning Female Muscle Porn Pictures
