
  1. D

    starting cycle.

    ok fellas, just for completeness, I'm 52yrs old 511 jut got down to 195 lbs. I'm pretty lean, little lower back, little front torso fat. not much but needs work. Shortly I will begin the spring ritual of transformation. Goals will be to reach 210 some where around 10% bodyfat. I know that sounds...
  2. Ox 51

    MLB Free Agents Carry Into Spring Training

    RONALD BLUM (AP Baseball Writer),The Associated Press•February 10, 2019 Bryce Harper, Manny Machado, Craig Kimbrel and Dallas Keuchel won't be around when the bat and ball bags are opened at spring training throughout Florida and Arizona this week. They are among the dozens of free agents still...
  3. Boomer

    It's been almost 3 years

    Hey guys, I've been out of the gym for almost 3 years. I had another child and started a business so I had to put myself aside for a little while but I am now back in the gym pushing weight... I have lost considerable size and atrangth but haven't put on much fat which I am happy about... My...
  4. drtbear1967

    Flexing to help Willpower?

    Achieving just about any goal is simple: there are some things you must do, and there are some things you shouldn't do. We make these "do it" and "don't do it" decisions all day long. They add up. And all of them involve willpower, whether it's doing the tough exercise you really don't want to...
  5. Ox 51

    Pro Bowl

    MARK LONG, AP Sports Writer ORLANDO, Fla. — The Pro Bowl has long been considered a laughable representation of the NFL game. It reached a new level of comedy Sunday as several players swapped positions during the annual all-star game. Jacksonville Jaguars cornerback Jalen Ramsey caught a...
  6. D


    OK no dumb questions!!! Here is one. I need to have nasal surgery. This is most prob going to be in April. very inconvenient for my Cycle. End of April, then no lifting for 2 ish weeks, put me mid may. Bad for me, I need to be well into my cycle by then. Question is would I need to be "off" for...
  7. drtbear1967

    EAA's - You need them.

    Pretty interesting study about portion size and anabolism in both young people and the elderly. Researchers compared changes in muscle protein synthesis(MPS) and anabolic efficiency in response to a meal either containing 30g protein or 90g of protein, all from 90% lean beef. They study showed...
  8. J

    Help with new w/o plan

    Would anyone be willing to help me out with coming up with a new work plan? I’ve been on the 5x5 plan for over a year and long ago stopped making gains in both size, strength, & weight. I’ve always been a skinny guy but have managed to pack on almost 20lbs in the last year, but am still under...
  9. H

    Building muscle - trying to understand something

    Is this true: "an average person can build a max 5-6lbs of muscle a year when using anabolics". If not, how to build more muscle (with fat is fine)? What is the best roid to help with this? Just test, good diet and lifting heavy? Money isn't an issue, I am just fed up of how I look, really...
  10. 9

    Top 10 Fighters Who Held On Too Long

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/pCvgeVjNeqs" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  11. T

    My Dr wants blood labs done and I'm on cycle! :( any advice?

    OK so I'm seeing a Dr for my diastasis recti and atrophied left tricep, hes been cool as shit to me so far, Now he's sending me to PT for both these and he wants a blood panel done. I think he;s pretty anti steroid (as most Drs) and hes asked me if I'm taking them, and thinking my insurance...
  12. drtbear1967

    Calcium - Why you need it.

    themusclephd &#55357;&#56485;99% of our body’s calcium is stored in our bones with the other 1% being stored in the muscle. Calcium is critical for muscle contractions, but if our muscles start to run low on calcium, they can simply extract more from the bone. This is why calcium intake is so...
  13. Presser

    Giving Away Free Muscle Thredz T-shirts & Long Sleeve Hoodies - Customize Your Own!

    Easy Peasy Baby! Send us your original Article and we will showcase it on our front page as well as in our forum here at MuscleChemistry.com. Your Article will also be showcased on the following other websites: Muscle Insiders Iron Digest Anabolic Steroid Forum Anabolic Report...
  14. Presser

    Giving Away Free Muscle Thredz T-shirts & Long Sleeve Hoodies - Customize Your Own!

    Easy Peasy Baby! Send us your original Article and we will showcase it on our front page as well as in our forum here at MuscleChemistry.com. Your Article will also be showcased on the following other websites: Muscle Insiders Iron Digest Anabolic Steroid Forum Anabolic Report...
  15. Presser

    Giving Away Free Muscle Thredz T-shirts & Long Sleeve Hoodies - Customize Your Own!

    Easy Peasy Baby! Send us your original Article and we will showcase it on our front page as well as in our forum here at MuscleChemistry.com. Your Article will also be showcased on the following other websites: Muscle Insiders Iron Digest Anabolic Steroid Forum Anabolic Report...
  16. drtbear1967

    The Patient Dieter

    Losing Weight Takes TIME! ——— Wanna know the one thing that nearly every struggling dieter has in common? ⠀ —> A lack of PATIENCE ⏰ ⠀ It's the main reason people repeatedly fall for the latest FAD diets... ⠀ Why they shovel out wads of moolah for silly-goose weight loss products they see on...
  17. R


    Hello all, I just wanted to take a quick moment to introduce myself. Im 46 and returned to the gym about a year ago, after a 3 year stent away. my life consist of a wife of 15 years and 2 boys 10 and 4. Yes I know im 46 and have a 4 year old, happy wife happy life right. I am a student...
  18. drtbear1967

    Train Biceps to real Growth.

    Did you know that different parts of a muscle are controlled by different nerves? The biceps has a long and a short head. Nerve cells connected to the long head's outer (lateral) part are activated during elbow flexion, while nerve cells connected to the inner (medial) part are activated by...
  19. drtbear1967

    Mind Muscle Connection

    This study first measured the specific activation of various portions of the triceps muscle during a triceps exercise. The subjects then performed this exercise for 12-weeks. - ◾️It was found that the portions of the triceps that were activated the most in the exercise grew the most over the...
  20. Presser

    MuscleChemistry FRONT PAGE NEWS - Submit an Article Get a Free Long Sleeve Hoodie from Muscle Thredz

    I am looking for some ideas for our front page content cover news Home | Also looking to hear how it looks for everyone as well as any changes or errors that need fixing Anyone who submits a FRONT Pages Article That They wrote themselves (Original) we will send out a Free MuscleChemistry or...