
  1. W

    best way to use sarms LGD

    lgd4033 seems like a good sarm to start my journey with I’m 22 years old. First time using PEDs and excited I’m bringing in about 2,800 calories a day and I’m 175 pounds and six foot tall my goal is lean muscle mass and I’m training three or four times a week on a split routine would 25...
  2. N

    truck driver sarms stack

    I’m looking to take a sarms cycle that will fit my lifestyle as a truck driver. Currently I’m driving about 14 hours a day and then I’ll stop for food and all so get in an hour workout and then sleep the rest of the time usually at a hotel that has a small gym. Which sarms would fit what I am...
  3. G

    sarms and fat loss effects

    you won’t go wrong with sarms and fat loss according to articles online, but I am not sure how best to implement my next sarms cycle. One of the things I was looking at was using 10mgs a day lgd, and 25mgs a day ostarine. Both together for 12 weeks my stats are 198 pounds and 5’9’’. I want to...
  4. A

    sarms for new users and experienced

    so this is a weird question but bare with me. I’m looking to grab some sarms for me and my buddy. My buddy is experienced with sarms but I am not. Which sarms would work for both of us? We want to race and see who can get the best results. We are both 30 years old. I’m 5’10’’ 188 pounds and he...
  5. May

    Supply the Steroid (injection oil,oral pills and raw powder),Peptides and SARMS Products with the best price and Send door to door.

    Hi,everyone, this is May,I'm a new member here.Nice to meet you. Our major products have Steroid (injection oil,oral pills and raw powder),Peptides and SARMS. Such as: TE-400 TE-300 TE-250 TC-200 TC-250 TP-250 TP-100 TS-250 TS-400 Mast E-200 Semaglutide Tirzepatide...
  6. B

    12 week sarms with SR9009 tacked on

    hey I’m 26, 6’2’’ 215 pounds. Main goal is recomp/cutting. 12 week sarms stack will look like this: sr9009 20mgs a day lgd4033 20mgs a day s23 5mgs a day would you add or remove anything else? Is it worth adding some gw501516>? I plan on keeping my calories in a slight deficit
  7. V gw giving me weird sides lol

    so this is pretty crazy but I’ve been on gw501516 cardarine for the past 12 weeks. Using 20mgs a day which is a sensible dose. Believe it or not I’m having some really weird side effects. I’m getting rashes and dots all over my face. I’m also dealing with major headaches on cycle. I think that...
  8. S

    sarms 3 stack solution to skinny build

    I’m looking to do 3 sarms this time to help with my skinny build 6’2’’ 150 pounds and very lean. I’ve got a bird chest and I’m 24 years old I’ve got room to grow according to my buddy at the gym who’s a trainer he says that I work hard in the gym but he says that he thinks that I overtrain I...
  9. A

    want less fatigue all day

    I’m hoping you can give me tips on using sarms for less fatigue during the day. Currently sleeping seven or eight hours but I’m still getting tired. Makes it hard after work to go to the gym and I just don’t have the motivation. I’m 47 years old and I’m 238 pounds with 25% body fat Which sarms...
  10. Z

    using 3 sarms on this next run

    26 years old and I’m 148 pounds and five foot seven gonna be adding 3 sarms to my trt dose. Just want to make sure its good before I start. My trt dose is 200mgs test cyp per week goal is more size and strength my plan is this: gw501516 25mgs a day rad140 20mgs a day lgd3033 20mgs EOD. 12 week...
  11. K

    warrior labs sarms can’t digest them

    I’m using warrior labs sarms and Having a really hard time digesting their products. I either get really bad diarrhea when I take them or I get really bad heartburn so bad that I have to lay down in the bed. I try to take things to help with the stomach and it seems to get worse. This has been...
  12. N

    sarms cutter for 12 weeks

    hello everyone I’m five foot seven and I weigh 182 pounds I’m about 15% body fat and would like to cut down. I’m picking Sarms because the last time I used steroids I had major shutdown what would you recommend I use besides gw501516 To help me cut down? I’m looking to cut down my calories and...
  13. Z

    strength needs to get better with sarms

    been on sr9009 25mgs a day and s23 20mgs a day. Currently benching around 185 pounds and I weigh around 155 pounds and I’m 25 years old. I haven’t been too pleased with my sarms cycle so far when it comes to strength I am definitely seeing improvements though with my physique which gives me...
  14. C

    sarms bulker for 8 weeks

    five foot 11 and I weigh 216 pounds I’m around 14% body fat and I would like to bulk up a little bit gonna go with SARMS this time what is the best bulker you recommend if I were to use rad140 and s4/andarine? What else would you recommend I use for eight weeks and can I run it and additional...
  15. L phony sarms company

    wanted to leave a review about another phony sarms company. Please avoid using they are a lousy place to buy sarms. I use their lgd and I did 20 milligrams a day and I didn’t have a lick of changes to my physique. Might as well just use creatine next time because that’s as much as...
  16. A

    Best weight loss sarms

    I’m looking to lose some weight using sarms gw501516 sounds great, but not a fan of the cancer nonsense. Yea yea I know its not true but whatever I want to avoid it anyway. What other sarms should I consider for weight loss between ostarine mk2866 and nutrobal mk677? I know that they both can be...
  17. J

    just want to improve my physical appearance with sarms

    not looking to do anything special when it comes to power lifting or get into bodybuilding competitions just want to look better physically with my appearance currently around 270 pounds and I’m six foot three. Definitely put on some sizes since my college days and I’m 28 years old what are the...
  18. R

    sarms for those avoiding steroids?

    Do you think it’s practical to body build just by using sarms if you want to avoid using steroids for fear of side effects and getting a stroke? I’m currently 5’9’’ 187 pounds and 22 years old. Don’t want to croak in my 40’s of a heart attack at all my plan is using sarms for the next 10 years...
  19. B

    warrior labs sarms screwed up my order

    unfortunately Warrior labs has very low quality sarms hate to say it because it’s true and I refuse to run their stuff going forward. Used both their lgd and their GW and it was definitely Bunk got blood work done and it shut me down hard also my libido tanked really hard and I started getting...
  20. X

    very bad vision issues with warrior labs sarms

    I’ve been on warrior labs sarms for the past 10 weeks. Using ostarine mk2866 and gw501516 I thought that I would have good results when it comes to cutting and recovery but I haven’t seen anything except a little bit of strength increase in the gym. My main concern though is I’m getting some...