6’1’’ and 186 and 22 years old.
I want to use sarms to get my strength numbers up. Besides my bench my squats are currently at 300 area for 4 reps. Not good enough compared to others my size.
A friend suggested this stack.. tell me if he is right:
s4/andarine 50mgs a day
ostarine mk2866 25mgs a...
had an idea of stretching my sarms stack out for 16 weeks but run the dosing lower. Both as a money saving measure but also to get clean lean gains. While keeping sides low.
This is how I would like to do it:
5mgs a day gw501516
5mgs a day lgd4033
10mgs a day s4’andarine
my stats are 56 yrs old...
hoping you can give me some advice, I want to use s4 and sr9009 for recomping.
My side effects have been poor on prior steroid use, so want to use sarms this time.
My stats are 25 years old, 5’9’’ and 95kg.
My diet needs improvement. I plan on only doing 2 cheat meals per week. Once during the...
looking for advice on sarms for someone who does high volume 5x a week with both weights and cardio.
What would be your advice on what I should use in that situation?
I’m 40 years old and my recovery is much slower.
I’ve heard good things on ostarine or nutrobal but not sure if they can be...
6’2’’ and 176 pounds and 25 years old
just tired of being the good guy in life. At work the dudes bully me and throw things at me and I take it. I want to turn into a bad boy, I plan on growing out my beard and getting some tats on my arms. Looking for respect where nobody dares mess with me...
what kind of sarms would work for my situation?
I’m 50 years old. 5’7’’ and 217 pounds. I want to lose weight. I’m a big man with 25% body fat.
Looking to use sr9009 + some lgd4033 and do daily cardio.
Currently training 2x a week I will increase it to 4x a week on this. Would 10 weeks be good...
I’m putting together my final sarms cycle and also my PCT and I needed some advice on what you thought
my goals are to recomp
I’m 5’8” 205 lbs and around 20% body fat
my stack would look like this:
gw501516 20mgs a day
rad140 25mgs a day
8 weeks
nolva+ clomid + tribulus
I’m currently 5’10’’ and 175 pounds
I want to gain 75 pounds net.
Can you give me advice on using follistatin344?
Should I just run it 100mcg a day anytime? Or do I need to take it around the time I eat or what?
what’s up everybody I started a company about 4 years ago and I started driving a truck and I got a little lazy so I put on a lot of body fat more than I would have liked
peaked out at about 118 kg
the past year I’ve been cutting down I’ve cut down about 10 kg but I’m not where I want to be
I’m 23 years old and I’m 5’6” 185 lbs.
I’m looking to use sarms
was recommended by some of the guys at the gym to go with s23 25mgs a day along with s4/andarine 100mgs a day.
12 week cycle.
My goal is to get over 200 pounds but stay under 15% body fat.
Any final advice and tips in my missing...
I’m looking for the best advice on how best to use lgd 4033 and gw501516!
Me and my buddy work out together four times a week plus I do cardio twice a week and I’m 170 lbs and 6’1” and 25 years old
I want to get better results overall
My friend recommended I do them together for 9 weeks.
He said...
I’m 5’8’’ and 210 pounds. 20% body fat and 40 years old.
Goals: simply cutting down.
History: 20 years training off/on. Been as low as 8% body fat in my prime, first time using sarms, have used steroids like test and EQ before.
Cycle thoughts: wanted to use ostarine mk2866 25mgs a day + gw501516...
I wanted to call out Warrior labs sarms and tell them how much of a joke they are
I should have listened to the reviews but I was stubborn
their products are complete bunk and their pro hormones
not only am I dealing with massive shutdown on their products, but my acne is extremely bad and I...
Never used sarms before, but have been using steroids for the past 15 years
want to take a break from steroids, they make my head hurt and give me a lot of sides.
My goal with sarms is low sides and maintaining what I already got
I’m 225 lbs and 5’10”.
my sarms stack I had in mind was:
my body doesn’t recover the way it used to when I was in my 20s or even my 30s
I’m now 42 years old I’m approximately 180 lbs and 6’1”
I like to do high intensity training and high repetition
my joints though don’t really enjoy it
what can you recommend going forward?
if there ever was a situation that can upset a person it’s finding out that your sarms are fake.
Warrior labs sarms are horrible. I had high hopes for my sarms cycle and this is why sarms have a bad reputation for being weak.
Decided to stack lgd and gw together from them. I would say they are...
currently 5’11’’ and 210 pounds, 16% body fat.
goal is to lean out and look trimmer.
What do you think about going with sarms at 16 weeks?
I was thinking rotating 8 weeks on and 8 weeks off
doing lgd4033 and gw501516. 25Mgs each per day.
Good plan while keeping calories at 2200 per day?
My doctor wants me on a multivitamin, he says its necessary to cure my deficiencies.
I’m respecting his wishes and I started taking one a week ago.
I also want to use sarms. Will the sarms do anything with the absorption of the multi vitamins or is it safe to take?
I’m 5’6’’ 180 pounds and my...
so I have 2 goals in mind when it comes to using sarms.
1. faster recovery
2. more speed with running
I play tennis and I like to hit the park after the gym and do a mile run. My speed is very poor, feels like when I run it is a challenge.
I’m 240 pounds and 5’10’’ .. what do you recommend in...
I was wondering if you can use sarms to harden up your physique. My body fats around 14% And I’m trying to get it a little lower I plan on dropping it down to 12% but I want a hardened up I’ve always had a fluffy look to my muscle mass.
Will doing gw501516 and sr9009 harden me up or should I use...
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