
  1. C

    3 weeks in my honest review.

    Started MC IGF-1 LR3 3 weeks ago with my Test + Deca cycle at the same time, so the Deca - Test probably have not really hit yet... Week 1 - 40 mcg pre workout sub Q, First time doing chest I noticed an unusual pump from just flat bench which I NEVER get a pump from so this shit does work...
  2. drtbear1967

    Countdown Sets for New Growth.

    Countdown sets (10-1 method) are performed at the end of your workout to maximize workout density and push yourself past your limits. Here's an example using a dumbbell row: . • Pick a weight you can row for 12-15 reps. Do 10 reps with your right arm, 10 reps with your left arm. . • Now do 9...
  3. Musclebeauty

    A very indepth article on MT2 tanning peptide

    Melanotan*2 or MT2*Protocol** Low Melanotan 2 dose: 250 mcg* Typical Melanotan 2 dosage: 500 mcg* Large Melanotan 2 dose: 1mg* Add 200 units (2ml) of water to the vial. 2ml/200 units will minimize the volume that you have to inject and will simplify the arithmetic in your MT-2 experiment...
  4. A


    Hi im 36 and 5 foot 11, have done plenty of cycles since my 30’s but have never used hcg. i do pct after cycles but after my last cycle back in April my testies never really went back to a normal size like usual after a pct. my next cycle which I’ll start in November is test and deca at 600ml...
  5. drtbear1967

    Change things up to make Gains

    by Matt Weik For many people, this article will be a “duh” feature. However, I think we all fall into a routine at the gym and some people forget about different workout techniques to help stimulate the muscle and promote new muscle growth. Many people get stuck doing three sets of 10 reps and...
  6. Presser

    Creating a Pro Bodybuilding Physique with George Farah

    Creating a Pro Bodybuilding Physique with George Farah I’m going to take an example of a 200-pound guy who is planning to compete in a bodybuilding contest, or just wants to look good for the beach. How will we work on his diet and training? • First, his daily caloric need will be based on his...
  7. Musclebeauty


    Info*i*found and good shit to know..... Time between DNP runs for recovery? I swear I've looked just about everywhere and can't find any info. It sounds like once it leaves your system after 5-7 days, you want to wait a few weeks for the thyroid to recover? I'm curous if there's a difference...
  8. blacktail

    Igf1 lr3 is amazing

    Ok add igf to my current cycle of test e 600mg and deca 400mg a week after reading about it for a year. I will tell you that 3 weeks in and I'm shocked at how my muscles stay hard all day long. And I'm not saying hard when I flex, I mean hard when relaxed! The best part and correct me if I'm...
  9. Muscle mechanic

    Trespassing thru my yard

    So my wife calls me or texts me drama alot. When i am at work often she has these times that she harasses me about things that can be discussed at home Or drama.... So neighbor moved brother in camper and on edge of proper, legal just nervy!! According to her he walks thru our yard and she...
  10. D


    My blast will start oct 2nd depending on bloods. 50mg anadrol daily trt 100mg cyp and test p 375mg a week, test p may go up depending if I can get a hold of a couple extra.
  11. drtbear1967

    L-Tyrosine - Nootropic to start the day.

    Should you use L-tyrosine or N-acetyl L-tyrosine(NALT)? Tyrosine is an amino acid that has many important biological functions. It it’s the precursor to thyroid hormone, as well as the catecholamines dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. NALT, which differs chemically by the addition of an...
  12. drtbear1967

    You have to build it before you cut it up.

    his recommendation is likely to be the most powerful for many lifters, but it may be the hardest to digest. From my over 30 years of experience with helping guys get bigger and stronger, I'd say that the number one reason they fail to gain muscle is their stubborn refusal to gain weight and...
  13. blacktail

    8 week update

    So I have made it 8 weeks on test E at 600 and deca at 400 and i can tell you that this is my best cycle by far! In the past I have only ran test at 500 and deca at 300. This definitely seems to be the sweet spot for me. Been eating between 3500 4000 calories a day so I'm not blowing up but I'm...
  14. EkHatch


    Just joined this forum recently and i'm new to here. Want to say hello to everyone! Thank you for this discussions, there are a lot of useful topics, so it's interesting to be here! I love crossfit and self-development, i'm going to start new cycle so this website now in the bookmarks of my...
  15. T

    For older lifters like me who still use

    Being 58, I'm having one helluva time retaining body weight, just 8 yrs ago I was 245 now I'm arounnd 205 give or take. I use almost same dose of gear, same anabolics and eat 5-6 times a day. Not shocking my strength has dropped considerably from then which seems to be about the age when older...
  16. Muscle mechanic

    First Steroid Cycle

    I know this has been talked about alot and different options on what to do.... If u asked me I what tell u this. Start with testosterone 400mg a week for 10-12 weeks. So week 1-12 test e or c 200mg Monday 200mg Thursday Start adex at week 2 or 3 at 0.5mg Monday and thurs Some are less likely...
  17. drtbear1967

    Pterostilbene - Profile

    themusclephd ��Pterostilbene (teroo-still-bean) is an antioxidant commonly found in blueberries. It has been reported to be stronger than resveratrol (red wine) in regard to its beneficial effects on insulin sensitivity, cardiovascular disease, and chronic inflammation. - ⬆️In the...
  18. Dean Destructo

    Bench Press is a PULL

    The bench press is like the Cinderella of the powerlifts. The squat and the deadlift tend to be like Cinderella’s domineering sisters, who get all the attention, while the bench press is left in the corner to its own devices most of the time. The bench press is rarely given a cursory thought...
  19. blacktail


    Ok been on test E 600mg week and deca 400mg for 5 weeks now with a 4 week prop kick start but tonight I noticed a huge difference! Did chest and tris tonight and holy shit the pumps where outrageous! I have used deca in the past but this is unlike what I have experienced prior. Last run with it...
  20. Ox 51

    PGA Championship Begins Today

    Everything you need to know for the first round of the PGA Championship Nick ST. LOUIS -- This PGA Championship opens with more questions than your average major championship. Of course, as usual, they begin with Tiger Woods and whether his game -- and his body -- are...