
  1. drtbear1967

    TB 500 - Thymosin beta-4

    Thymosin beta-4 is a protein originally discovered as an isolate from the mammalian thymus gland1. It is one of a family of thymosins, which are low-weight acidic molecules that can act as cytopoietics. This means that they can control the movement and/or differentiation of cells by neutralizing...
  2. A

    Sickness The aggregate plasma USA Diet Plan investigate.

    USA Diet Plan (the harbingers androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosteone into USA Diet Plan in the liver, fat tissue and skin. It skims in the blood in two structures, one related with transport proteins (30 40% bound to egg whites and 0 0% bound to SHBG or TeBG and SBP , the other free. For...
  3. drtbear1967

    New Growth Hormone May Boost Production Of Disease-Fighting Cells In Elderly

    <article> Growth Hormone May Boost Production Of Disease-Fighting Cells In Elderly CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Growth-hormone therapy in elderly patients increases lean body mass and reduces body fat, helping them maintain fitness. Now, scientists say, the therapy also may dramatically boost the...
  4. Presser


    HOW MUCH DAILY PROTEIN INTAKE IS REQUIRED TO BUILD MUSCLE?by ProSource Product Research Team Here at ProSource, in all our years of hearing from and advising athletes, probably the most common question we hear is this: Why am I not getting bigger? (Which is to say, more muscular. Hardly...
  5. K

    What kind of gains/changes should I realistically expect from this cycle?

    5'11, 190lbs, 45yrs, 5 years straight on TRT @ half CC of 200mg Test Cyp every 4-5 days, Dexa scan put me @ 17% body fat 32lbs fat tissue, 151lbs lean tissue and the rest bone mineral content. I train 5-6 days a week @45-60 minutes hard, Test Cyp is the only thing I have ever taken so far and I...
  6. drtbear1967

    Orotic Acid - Possible replacement for Beta Alanie

    Orotic acid came on to the fitness scene in 2004, but for some reason or another is not in a lot of products. Orotic acid(OA) is a truly remarkable supplement. In the body, OA is an intermediate in the pyrimidine pathway which is responsible for making nucleotides(like in DNA/RNA). As far back...
  7. Presser

    Subcutaneous Testosterone Cypionate Injections. Where to inject and What Needle size

    <center style="box-sizing: border-box;"> </center>Testosterone replacement Therapy or Hormone replacement therapy doctors will generally advocate for Subcutaneous Injections. But which is best, I.M. or Subq Testosterone cypionate is the hands down winner of any testosterone therapy out there...
  8. Presser

    Body Shaping & Volume Restoration: The Role of Hyaluronic Acid and its Applications In Bodybuilding

    Body Shaping and Volume Restoration: The Role of Hyaluronic Acid and its Applications In Bodybuilding Are Obvious at first glance. We arent just Body Building, but rather we are always trying to sculpt our physiques, Mold Our Muscles into the best possible shape we can. Hyaluronic Acid is...
  9. Presser

    Hydronics H20 or Hyaluronic Acid

    AbstractSkin aging is a multifactorial process consisting of two distinct and independent mechanisms: intrinsic and extrinsic aging. Youthful skin retains its turgor, resilience and pliability, among others, due to its high content of water. Daily external injury, in addition to the normal...
  10. drtbear1967

    Testosterone - What you need to know.

    What Is Testosterone? What Does It Do? How Does It Work?The first step towards the beginnings of understanding anabolic steroids and how they operate is through the thorough understanding of Testosterone itself. Quite literally, all anabolic steroids are synthetic derivatives of Testosterone, or...
  11. drtbear1967

    Testosterone Isocaproate

    Testosterone Isocaproate Dosage may range from 100mgs to 300mgs 2 x a week (or every 7 days with it's 9.0 half life) This Testosterone ester is between a short and long ester having a half-life of 9 days thus the reason users employ 2 x weekly injections to better assure more stable blood...
  12. drtbear1967

    Bovine Adrenal Glandular Tissue

    theguerillachemistGlandular tissue has been used for hundreds of years and here in the US since the 1920s. Upjohn pharma used to produce adrenal glandular tissue until the 1950s and even today Armour thyroid(porcine thyroid gland tissue) is prescribed for hypothyroidism. It was during WWII that...
  13. Presser

    I could see some new age pro physique primadodda saying he gets his body fat measured DAILY lol with VikingSlice

    <header>Reliability and validity of the new VikingSlice software for computed tomography body composition analysis European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2018) <abbr title="Digital Object Identifier" style="border-bottom-style: none;">doi</abbr>:10.1038/s41430-018 <dl style="margin-right...
  14. drtbear1967

    Gelatin for your Joints.

    by Matt Weik When it comes to sports injuries, most occur from wear and tear as well as damage done directly to our ligaments and tendons due to force exerted on the body either by another competitor or the playing field itself. The amount of stress and demand put on our joints and ligaments...
  15. drtbear1967

    Deca and joint pain?

    There has always been a lot of anecdotal evidence by gym rats saying that the anabolic steroid nandrolone decanoate(Deca) can help alleviate joint point, but is there any science to back this claim up? It turns out that there may in fact be a mechanism that could explain this phenomena. This...
  16. drtbear1967

    Raloxifene (Evista) Anti Estrogenic

    Raloxifene (Evista) Review and History of Raloxifene Raloxifene hydrochloride (trade name Evista) is very new anti-estrogenic drug on the prescription market, and it is a member of the category of drugs known as selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs), which is actually a sub-category...
  17. drtbear1967

    Cutting Steroids and Decriptions

    Cutting Steroids and Descriptions In general conversation, anabolic steroids are often broken down into two categories; bulking and cutting steroids. While this is common, in many ways it's often highly inaccurate as the majority of anabolic steroids can be used for either purpose. Absolutely...
  18. drtbear1967

    Steroids for Fat Loss

    Fat Loss Steroids When it comes to anabolic steroid supplementation, most are generally concerned with bulking or cutting. To truly get the results you desire, you're always best served by focusing on one direction at a time, and when it's time to cut, fat loss steroids are often the answer. Go...
  19. Iron Game

    Should I Eat Before My Workout?

    by Matt Weik There has been a debate for quite some time on whether you should eat before you exercise or if you should exercise when in a fasted state. The banter has been enough to turn people blue in the face arguing their point of view. Theories have gone back and forth for both sides, yet...
  20. Iron Game

    Torch Fat & Get Hard with Viagra

    Torch Fat & Get Hard with Viagra Get Jacked With Viagra! If you’ve ever sat down on a Sunday afternoon to watch an NFL football game, you’ve undoubtedly been exposed to one of those awkward commercials for the erectile dysfunction (ED) drug Viagra. That’s because one of the largest...