I can't even begin to express how amazing this product is. I have posted several things about its benefits. At this point it is verry clear to me that; if you have a product that has seemingly endless benefits with little to no sides.... It's kind of a no-brainer.

I joined the board at the beginning of may. I suffered an elbow injury and was recommended MC IGF-1 by Iron-game. I made my 1st order shortly after, and have been on MC IGF since. I take it almost every day, if I'm working out or just sitting ass. It has become part of my daily routine.
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Ya we all know about my injury and I know my recovery would not even be close to what it is with out it. This morning I actually pinned 50 mcg in that Tricep and another 50 in the same bicep and then done arms. I believe if I do this a little more often things will balance out a little quicker than I even anticipated. And the thanks go to Presser and the quality product he's slinging. Cause I know if I had all the money I've spent over the years on those little wafer igf bottles I've bought I could clean his entire stock out.

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topside, and please feel free to private message me with any questions
Floating this back up, with my thoughts then which hold true today!
I can't even begin to express how amazing this product is. I have posted several things about its benefits. At this point it is verry clear to me that; if you have a product that has seemingly endless benefits with little to no sides.... It's kind of a no-brainer.

I joined the board at the beginning of may. I suffered an elbow injury and was recommended MC IGF-1 by Iron-game. I made my 1st order shortly after, and have been on MC IGF since. I take it almost every day, if I'm working out or just sitting ass. It has become part of my daily routine.

The last review in this specific thread I figured I would quote and just say this is not a MADE IN CHINA product!

And more importantly I wanted to bump the original threads initial post and once again say, READ, Research, Retain and LEARN and then ask any questions your unclear about!

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