adding in IGF-1 LR3 to a cutter

  • Thread starter Thread starter nychris
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This is my first post here, so here are my current stats:


I'm currently on Prop/Tren/Winny and am starting T3/Clen tomorrow. I've been cutting for 3.5 weeks now and already lost 25lbs without losing any strength. I'm on a strict diet and doing cardio 2x/day, morning and night along with 5x/week workouts.

I've been doing some googling, and this site seems to have the most knowledgable people on IGF-1 LR3. I was thinking of throwing in some GenScience IGF-1 LR3 in for some extra fat loss. This stuff is expensive though, 1ml will set me back $370! If I ran it at 50mcg/day for 20 days, will this give noticable results? What if I forked over $740 for two kits and did roughly 60mcg/day for 30 days? Are the results worth the money?

Dude you can get IGF1 here at a much lower price.........Im doing 60mcg daily and I love the stuff........Results are worth the money........well, I wouldnt pay gensci that much when I can get it here for half the price.

It will work on and cutter and bulker.........Point is.......if you like lean gains you will love this stuff.