Anabolics, Competitions, and the Journey to a 500lbs bench

I had fun watching people deadlift today, excited to start my next training cycle and work on the pulls which I've largely ignored. Today just pulled a token pull so my bench would count. Enjoy the nip slip.

My squat was disappointing. I took an opener that I could get on the worse possible day. Felt light headed after. Took my second for a small 5lbs PR and failed twice. Kinda funny because squat was what I was most looking forward to this meet. Not sure if it was the peaking plan, a bad day, or I'm just a pussy butttttt.

Bench went amazing, I deviated from the plan of a big PR due to missing my 2nd attempt on a technicality. So went for a small 198 meet PR at 474lbs. I didn't have a big jump after my 2nd attempt so small PR and lots of aggression made me a happy bastard

Deadlift... Call me a bitch or call it a cop out but I saw zero benefit of pulling a max if it wasn't gonna benefit my total. The failed squat threw that out the window and having had three deadlift injuries I figured a token pull would suffice until I figure out my deadlift. Why risk another injury for no benefit ✌️
We will see what November/December brings

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This is fucking cool dude. Good job on the meet. I'm a powerlifter too and also compete at 198 but not as strong as you brother. You're bench is exceptional. What federations do you compete in?

stone loads will be in my routine now to help strengthen my posterior chain, and hopefully fix up my deadlift.

They are some hard work, but pretty fun.

I did 5x5 with the light stone and then 3 with the 200lbs stone in this clip

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Today his some squats
3 triples nothing crazy
Then speed bench and over head press
Gonna hit a max effort bench in 3 weeks, letting my pec heal up some and focusing on speed and overhead work


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Okay looks like it's time to pick a meet, going to hit the weights hard for a few more weeks then deload (the 20th me and the misses go on vacation)
So after that I will see what's available hopefully we can smash that 500

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these were pretty kick ass video! wonder where CK is now or what he is up to