Anyone get their sperm count checked?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I'm getting to that age where you evaluate where you are with everything, finances, looks, health, family etc. Well I want a family I think I have the right girl, a little more time will tell but I have naturally low test levels I was "off" for about 2 years previous to the cycle I am on now. I have ran a cruise before and loved it, made me feel like I "should" always feel. Once I finish this cycle at least 8 more weeks, I am thinking of just cruising on 200mg's. However in 2 years or less I am probably going to be ready to try to start a family.

Does anyone have any experience with keeping sperm count healthy via HCG or other drug throughout cycle and cruise? Just curious for opinions from others on this subject.
I married a girl that has 3 boys. She had chemo treatment so it was suggested she get fixed lol or whatever its called. I was never in a position before to have children so i didnt. I dont have the answer to your question i just wanted to say having kids can be awesome. I wish you the best
I had 3 kids, and both me and my wife had been "fixed" before I started running I can't really help, I'm sure Presser will chime in I think he had to come off for a bit to have a children.
I married a girl that has 3 boys. She had chemo treatment so it was suggested she get fixed lol or whatever its called. I was never in a position before to have children so i didnt. I dont have the answer to your question i just wanted to say having kids can be awesome. I wish you the best
3 boys I bet is a handful lol, thanks hope your wife is doing better now.
I had 3 kids, and both me and my wife had been "fixed" before I started running I can't really help, I'm sure Presser will chime in I think he had to come off for a bit to have a children.
I remember that I think you are right. Thanks for the response, I have heard of using hcg every week which is fine by me then I can just go get the count checked and make sure im "normal" I am not 100% on how all that stuff works though.
I had 3 kids, and both me and my wife had been "fixed" before I started running I can't really help, I'm sure Presser will chime in I think he had to come off for a bit to have a children.

yes I had to come off for a good bit over a year to get my natural testosterone back up and my sperm count up. I cycled for amy years straight, and wife and I went a fertility clinic to have kids. My sperm count was 0!!! lol, Yep NADA!

ANyhow, I had to come off everything and I took HCG and jerked off in a cup a couple times and finally after a year or so, my sperm count was back up and they were healthy vibrant swimmers, so they froze them.

And today wife and I have 2 Healthy twins (boy and girl)

It took time brutha! And one miscarriage by my wife, and when they told us she was pregnant the first time, I was gonna jump back on a cycle, then i thought maybe lets wait til she is further along, and thank GOD i waited, cause my wife miscarried very early in the pregnancy, and had i of started a cycle back up, we would have had to wait forever again for my sperm to come back, cause for whatever reason the frozen sperm was no good and they needed me to give a fresh sample, and i was so relived that I waited and still had good sperm for my wife instead of expelling to her and the doctor we can't proceed again cause i was selfish and started back on gear which would have taken forever again to get my sperm count back up.

SO long story short bro, yes I am a lot of experience with sperm count, hcg, and fertility process, as we had Invitro Fertilization done, where the doctor takes my sperm, and wives eggs and implants my sperm into egg in a petri dish or something like that outside of the wife, and once the fertilization took for a while, they had my wife come in and implanted our babies back into my wife, and again My kids are super healthy by the grace of GOD and they are down right Gorgeous!

I would be happy to answer any questions you have on this brutha
yes I had to come off for a good bit over a year to get my natural testosterone back up and my sperm count up. I cycled for amy years straight, and wife and I went a fertility clinic to have kids. My sperm count was 0!!! lol, Yep NADA!

ANyhow, I had to come off everything and I took HCG and jerked off in a cup a couple times and finally after a year or so, my sperm count was back up and they were healthy vibrant swimmers, so they froze them.

And today wife and I have 2 Healthy twins (boy and girl)

It took time brutha! And one miscarriage by my wife, and when they told us she was pregnant the first time, I was gonna jump back on a cycle, then i thought maybe lets wait til she is further along, and thank GOD i waited, cause my wife miscarried very early in the pregnancy, and had i of started a cycle back up, we would have had to wait forever again for my sperm to come back, cause for whatever reason the frozen sperm was no good and they needed me to give a fresh sample, and i was so relived that I waited and still had good sperm for my wife instead of expelling to her and the doctor we can't proceed again cause i was selfish and started back on gear which would have taken forever again to get my sperm count back up.

SO long story short bro, yes I am a lot of experience with sperm count, hcg, and fertility process, as we had Invitro Fertilization done, where the doctor takes my sperm, and wives eggs and implants my sperm into egg in a petri dish or something like that outside of the wife, and once the fertilization took for a while, they had my wife come in and implanted our babies back into my wife, and again My kids are super healthy by the grace of GOD and they are down right Gorgeous!

I would be happy to answer any questions you have on this brutha
Great for you bro that's so awesome.

Thanks man I might have some for you down the road cause im at the age where I wanna start making things happen lol.
Great for you bro that's so awesome.

Thanks man I might have some for you down the road cause im at the age where I wanna start making things happen lol.

Thanks man, and yeah any time just ask! Like i said we went through 2 funds of Invitro Fertilization and its taxing , mostly on the wife, but stressful for both.

We actually chose to have 2 kids, as when all the eggs are fertilized, the doctor calls you in and goes over each fertilized eggs rating, like diamonds have ratings, lol, and tells you what the percentage of each egg taking well for a child, and we chose two eggs one with 80% chance and one with i think 75% chance, so we knew we were trying for two kids at once, and GOD blessed us with one healthy boy and one healthy girl! Its like we hit the lottery! NO BS! Its the best thing in world man!

Now they're running around pulling ornaments off the christmas tree and running from us with them and breaking them all over the place lol, our christmas tree now looks like we decorated just the top half and now the bottom half is empty, it just has the ornament hooks hanging from the branches without the ornaments, funniest things you'll ever see lol
Thanks man, and yeah any time just ask! Like i said we went through 2 funds of Invitro Fertilization and its taxing , mostly on the wife, but stressful for both.

We actually chose to have 2 kids, as when all the eggs are fertilized, the doctor calls you in and goes over each fertilized eggs rating, like diamonds have ratings, lol, and tells you what the percentage of each egg taking well for a child, and we chose two eggs one with 80% chance and one with i think 75% chance, so we knew we were trying for two kids at once, and GOD blessed us with one healthy boy and one healthy girl! Its like we hit the lottery! NO BS! Its the best thing in world man!

Now they're running around pulling ornaments off the christmas tree and running from us with them and breaking them all over the place lol, our christmas tree now looks like we decorated just the top half and now the bottom half is empty, it just has the ornament hooks hanging from the branches without the ornaments, funniest things you'll ever see lol

Wow bro that's such an amazing story, gonna share that with my GF later. That was a blessing indeed man so happy for ya.

I can imagine it would be taxing especially on the female. Not to mention you got a boy and a girl right off the bat that's what I want that would be epic, two out and done.
I had 3 kids, and both me and my wife had been "fixed" before I started running I can't really help, I'm sure Presser will chime in I think he had to come off for a bit to have a children.
No it was me who had to go off to impregnate Pressers wife! (sorry Bro couldnt resist :) )
yes I had to come off for a good bit over a year to get my natural testosterone back up and my sperm count up. I cycled for amy years straight, and wife and I went a fertility clinic to have kids. My sperm count was 0!!! lol, Yep NADA!

ANyhow, I had to come off everything and I took HCG and jerked off in a cup a couple times and finally after a year or so, my sperm count was back up and they were healthy vibrant swimmers, so they froze
And today wife and I have 2 Healthy twins (boy and girl)

It took time brutha! And one miscarriage by my wife, and when they told us she was pregnant the first time, I was gonna jump back on a cycle, then i thought maybe lets wait til she is further along, and thank GOD i waited, cause my wife miscarried very early in the pregnancy, and had i of started a cycle back up, we would have had to wait forever again for my sperm to come back, cause for whatever reason the frozen sperm was no good and they needed me to give a fresh sample, and i was so relived that I waited and still had good sperm for my wife instead of expelling to her and the doctor we can't proceed again cause i was selfish and started back on gear which would have taken forever again to get my sperm count back up.

SO long story short bro, yes I am a lot of experience with sperm count, hcg, and fertility process, as we had Invitro Fertilization done, where the doctor takes my sperm, and wives eggs and implants my sperm into egg in a petri dish or something like that outside of the wife, and once the fertilization took for a while, they had my wife come in and implanted our babies back into my wife, and again My kids are super healthy by the grace of GOD and they are down right Gorgeous!

I would be happy to answer any questions you have on this brutha

Big Bro is it necessary to get invitro done when sperm is good women cant concieve with just intercourse
Big Bro is it necessary to get invitro done when sperm is good women cant concieve with just intercourse

Wife has an inverted/slanted uterus, so between that and my sperm count it had to be invitro, I like to tell myself I banged that uterus until it bent back lol but truth is she was born that way lol
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I had zero sperm count for years, like Presser had to come off for two years and do weekly hcg and fsh shots. It takes time Brutha and finally after five rounds of Invetro we got our miracle baby boy......he's five now and best thing I've ever done was him. It's a long emotional journey but a journey that was worth every second. You can buy home sperm kits to check your sperm count and mobility.
I had zero sperm count for years, like Presser had to come off for two years and do weekly hcg and fsh shots. It takes time Brutha and finally after five rounds of Invetro we got our miracle baby boy......he's five now and best thing I've ever done was him. It's a long emotional journey but a journey that was worth every second. You can buy home sperm kits to check your sperm count and mobility.

did not know this thanks. Yeah my main concern is I don't want my count to drop too low and never come back. That is the part that worries me. Good to know that often times the therapy works well.

Congrats on your success story as well.
did not know this thanks. Yeah my main concern is I don't want my count to drop too low and never come back. That is the part that worries me. Good to know that often times the therapy works well.

Congrats on your success story as well.
Fertility can be complex, and I'm sure you know the statistics, the man often accounts for a larger portion in the failed conception reports......and sperm counts are generally much lower in your average male today than 15 years ago...

The GOOD news is if you are running cycles, your body fat is lower (hopefully) so you are unlikely to encounter estrogen issues while running hCG (though is still possible) , which is good from a fertility want estrogen in check obviously or you will have reduced fertility.

In addition, you could try swedish flower pollen which is a well-known fertility supplement, famous for enabling one to shoot "the ropes". ;)

hCG has a pretty good safety record, and definitely needs to be a part of that regimen...and although SERMs such as clomid may help, they also can make the situation trickier, being that they often have un-announced negative effects on the estrogen balance.

Also, some esters/forms of testosterone may have different effects on fertility, testosterone undecanoate, and proviron, are both known to actually INCREASE sperm count, generally, but this is also dose-dependent and I am not necessarily advocating the use of these compounds as fertility treatments...just demonstrating the differences between compounds.

Alpha-blocker drugs, used for benign prostate enlargement, and for high blood pressure, are also shown to increase fertility; - the mechanism is probably to do with their noted anti-stress effect and a direct effect on leydig related enzymes. Moreover, alphablockade may enhance natural test production by shifting adrenergic activity towards the beta-adrenergic receptors; resulting in enhanced steroidogenesis.