Back with another question.


New member
Havent posted since 01/08/15, when i was asking about first cycle thoughts. After taking some advice from experienced members and spending most of 2015 researching my views have changed up some what. Before i jump into my question i would just like to say i genuinely appreciate and respect the advice and knowledge that was shared with me the first time around from those who responded, so thank you.
My question now is, for a beginner first time cycle would a cycle of just test come with decent results (being diet and training on point)? If so which form would be most beneficial? Recommended cycle length? And pct?

Thank you.

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Thank you for your reply! Recommend pct? Hcg necessary.?

Sent from my VK810 4G using Tapatalk
Welcome back Otis, you have some good advice here. How about logging your cycle. It would be great to see your progress and helpful to any beginners.

Sent from Iron-Game using Tapatalk
Would I start with just test for a 1st cycle? Yes... Would I just start with something like Mountain recommend? Yes...Would I be concerned about PCT? yes...Unless this is really your 1st cycle and your not older. Do I think your over thinking things vs knowing what works right now? Yes. Secret to bodybuilding success is keeping a day to day journal bro.
When i do start test only cycle i will gladly log and share cycle. Also a day to day journal is a great idea and i will be doing so. Another question, i have been recommended to take dbol for 4 week kickstarter @ 20 mg ed if use of test e due to the longer ester not kicking in for 4 weeks. Any input or personal opinion on this since itll be my first cycle or would it be ok ? With or without dbol should an AI be used throughout cycle. ? Or be ok just stick with pct ?

Also i have been recommended to try test prop. 50-100mgs eod for 6-8 weeks. Any opinions on this? Also if ok option should AI be taken throughout cycle or just pct?

I greatly appreciate all the knowledge and personal inputs shared fellas. From all of you.

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When i do start test only cycle i will gladly log and share cycle. Also a day to day journal is a great idea and i will be doing so. Another question, i have been recommended to take dbol for 4 week kickstarter @ 20 mg ed if use of test e due to the longer ester not kicking in for 4 weeks. Any input or personal opinion on this since itll be my first cycle or would it be ok ? With or without dbol should an AI be used throughout cycle. ? Or be ok just stick with pct ?

Also i have been recommended to try test prop. 50-100mgs eod for 6-8 weeks. Any opinions on this? Also if ok option should AI be taken throughout cycle or just pct?

I greatly appreciate all the knowledge and personal inputs shared fellas. From all of you.

Sent from my VK810 4G using Tapatalk

im not a fan of dianabol, however it is a great kick starter exactly as you laid it out, and if its ur first cycle then 20mg daily is plenty until your testosterone enanthate kicks in, so yeah good plan.

and NO you don't need to run an AI through cycle, but i would make sure to run post cycle meds
Would dbol sides run high for a first timer at 20 mg a day?
Also what about the recommendation for the prop cycle I was gave that I posted above? Suitable for a newb?

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When i do start test only cycle i will gladly log and share cycle. Also a day to day journal is a great idea and i will be doing so. Another question, i have been recommended to take dbol for 4 week kickstarter @ 20 mg ed if use of test e due to the longer ester not kicking in for 4 weeks. Any input or personal opinion on this since itll be my first cycle or would it be ok ? With or without dbol should an AI be used throughout cycle. ? Or be ok just stick with pct ?

Also i have been recommended to try test prop. 50-100mgs eod for 6-8 weeks. Any opinions on this? Also if ok option should AI be taken throughout cycle or just pct?

I greatly appreciate all the knowledge and personal inputs shared fellas. From all of you.

Sent from my VK810 4G using Tapatalk
i would do test E or C first cycle. if you do prop no need for dbol because prop is going to kick in a few days just as fast as dbol. you would need to keep an AI tho just in case you start getting estrogen sides
i would do test E or C first cycle. if you do prop no need for dbol because prop is going to kick in a few days just as fast as dbol. you would need to keep an AI tho just in case you start getting estrogen sides
An AI for the prop? Or with test e and dbol?

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anytime you run test you have a chance of estrogen getting out of whack. dbol is known also to fuck with estrogen
Understood. Thank you very much for in input and info. I have decided to run 10 weeks test e. With 4 week kickstart of dbol at 20 mg ed. Will not start until ai and pct are in hand.

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HCG helps keep the boys plump during the cycle - and it forces the HPTA axis to keep working as best as it can while you are actively suppressing it. It will aid you in your PCT, but make sure you quit HCG prior to entering PCT.
HCG helps keep the boys plump during the cycle - and it forces the HPTA axis to keep working as best as it can while you are actively suppressing it. It will aid you in your PCT, but make sure you quit HCG prior to entering PCT.
How long to run hcg? From start of cycle to end of cycle? Like up until last pin?

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Understood. Thank you very much for in input and info. I have decided to run 10 weeks test e. With 4 week kickstart of dbol at 20 mg ed. Will not start until ai and pct are in hand.

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you could bump the dbol up during the cycle. i started out with 30mg 12 days ago and bumped it up to 40mg today. test E is less pinnng and no PIP which being your first run you have virgin muscles and dont want them hurting most of the cycle. i would start another thread with you lay out to make sure you have everything in order. PCT 10-14 days after last shot nolvadex 40/20/20/10

good luck the first cycle is most people favorite and can make huge gains. may want to think about stretching out the test E to 12 weeks but 10 is fine

- - - Updated - - -

i dont know about hcg im on TRT so no real need for me
I would dump the dbol as a jump start...yes it will work but being your 1st cycle I would stick to what your body produces natural. I am a fan of front loading test prop and cyp or enath.
I would dump the dbol as a jump start...yes it will work but being your 1st cycle I would stick to what your body produces natural. I am a fan of front loading test prop and cyp or enath.
If I decide to lose the dbol. What would you recommend for frontload on just test e ? And what do you think about ai or hcg through cycle? Necessary or not?

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I always heard to stop the HCG a week before you start PCT. I am on TRT, so I am never going to stop taking HCG...