Cardio scares me


Gold Member
I'm so afraid to do cardio right now. lol.

I keep thinking that I will lose LBM if I do any cardio. My abs aren't there yet, although I want some damn it!

What to do to make sure I gain LBM while cutting fat?

I'm running 800mg Test Enanthate and 500mg EQ per week.

Also WTF...I'm using this much juice and I'm not gaining much weight. maybe 5lbs in 4 weeks. ugh. I have been eating like a pig lately.

I need to up the protein. 400g - 500g ed

I'm thinking of switching over to Prop and tren instead for another 10 weeks. What do you guys think?

200mg eod Prop 6-16
150mg eod Tren 6-16
500mg ew EQ 1-12
If you are only in week#4 then the test E has not kicked in yet! Give it 2 more weeks you should be nice and swole!
Well the problem with that is I was on some d-bol...for about 3 weeks until gyno symptoms started to appear. I was maybe 10-12 lbs up at that point and once I stopped I dropped down at least 7 lbs. Hmm...normal water weight I guess, but it seems like I should be up a little more than this.

Maybe I'm not being patient. lol :)

We'll see how it goes...but I like Prop/Tren better...and I think I might add it at the end for say 8 weeks or so.

That would give me an 18 week cycle. eh, what the hell.

I will report the gyno went away though for the most part after stopping the d-bol. At least I know my gear is real. lol. I used 50mg nolva for about a week along with about 2mg of femara for a couple more weeks after that.

Stupid lumps...
If i hop on the scale and iam under or at 210 iam depressed
its hard for me also,To get and keep it, iam out in the FL heat all day in a hanger working on trucks, thats probably pretty close to cardio it sucks.
bro ! just a few things here if I may (no flame )

1 stop ! getting ! on ! the ! scale ! that is the biggest mind fuk of them all. I am on my bulker and it is really hard for me to not check the scale every 5 mins ! I only check it once a week this helps me, gives me something to look foward to each week. checking it every day is only going to mess you up in the head !

2 if you are going to bulk... bulk damn it if you are going to cut... cut damit ! do not think you can switch over every time you are not getting the resluts you want this is a timed process !

3 the E has not kicked in yet (like Bleed said)

just give it time finish bulking for now think about how much more fullfilling it will be when you cut in the spring ! it you cut now you will not be as big so when spring comes around yeah you will be cut but think aoubt the other 10-12lbd of lean meat you could have had !

just a thought man hope that it helps !

I used to get the Gyno symtoms on Dbol till L-dex. They are completly gone when I use Dbol now. I used to use prov/nolva combo too...didn't help.

I talked to my buddy yesterday after his Test E cycle @ 700mg/wk and all he gained of the QV test was 7lbs in 10 wks. they are hard tho.
Me and another person used Dbol to kick then
Test/EQ ( gelicka/QV) and after the 18-20 lbs from the Dbol ,we didn't gain anything in 10 wks from the Test/EQ. However we did maintain weight and size. I guess thats all you can expect it to do.
shiko24 said:
bro ! just a few things here if I may (no flame )

1 stop ! getting ! on ! the ! scale ! that is the biggest mind fuk of them all. I am on my bulker and it is really hard for me to not check the scale every 5 mins ! I only check it once a week this helps me, gives me something to look foward to each week. checking it every day is only going to mess you up in the head !

2 if you are going to bulk... bulk damn it if you are going to cut... cut damit ! do not think you can switch over every time you are not getting the resluts you want this is a timed process !

3 the E has not kicked in yet (like Bleed said)

just give it time finish bulking for now think about how much more fullfilling it will be when you cut in the spring ! it you cut now you will not be as big so when spring comes around yeah you will be cut but think aoubt the other 10-12lbd of lean meat you could have had !

just a thought man hope that it helps !


Good advice flame there.

I don't check the scale ed maybe e3d, but even then its been a mind fuck for me. I was taking pain pills for awhile which totally fucked my training habits, dieting habits, etc. Once I kicked those I dropped about 10 lbs (probably mostly water, but still a scary thought) and started to rebuild from there.

Its kind of a bummer when you drop 10lbs in 1-2

I've been kinda obsessed about my weight right now trying to get it up. The pain pills mess with your head too. You take them for long enough and when you stop you're depressed all the time, feel like shit, and think pretty low of yourself. Its a big part of the problem...

Positives -

My workouts are getting better and better.
I'm stronger than ever
I've been eating a lot of food and not gaining any fat.

I got 250x6 yesterday for my final set of bench press...I haven't gone that heavy in a long time on flat bench. I know its not too much for most of you guys but I weigh a little under 180lbs. Probably much smaller than most of you monsters. lol.

Patience is a virtue.