
OK im starting this out to match exactly your tone as you started this.
1)I have a house that I built dickface, over 3 years ago, every bill has been paid on time. Great assumption.
2) I was part of a bait and switch with my loan. I have documentation saying it was a fixed loan------its variable.
It was verbally explained in detail how no interest would accrue untl my classes were complete------it accrued the entire time
I was talked out of sallie mae because It was verbally explained to me, in detail that you can not consolidate your loans through them, and that with the one she SOLD me
you can--------That too was wrong.
So dont make bland assumptions based off of no facts.
I am also not trying to go to this school for another degree, but a Community College instead.
So if you think that I am wrong in trying to get out of that loan, that fucked me, screw you. I was making double payments (which was $800)
for a few months in a row with less then $120 being taken off the principle. I asked how I can send extra money in to just have it come off the priciple, they said you can't. Again you know nothing f that situation, so you should have asked before you accuse someone of not paying there fucking bills.
I have made my own money since I was 8 years old, and NO I didnt have an allowance, my allowance was -You can play outside.

I'll bump this up a few times if needed so you read this. And let me guess you are an extreme republican with a Gun bumper sticker?

we're not going to start a gun debate now are we???
he's making an idiotic statement with his assumptions so I threw one just as lame back.
I'm just saying that if it's going to get much more than it already is, we don't need that on the forums. That's one thing that doesn't go on here that you see EVERYWHERE else. It's one thing to have a difference of opinions, but to have a confrontation over stuff is different. Maybe we can arrange a meet and greet for you guys, I think he could take you Metal so you might wanna tone it down and take a couple less shots a week lol, just fucking with you
Yeah I wouldn't even hold my tongue for something like this at work though. For someone to assume someone else is just trying to get everything for free and not care (when I obviously could have done that by not getting married, having a kid than going to college with 100% pell grant and kid care!!!!!!) it's not right, and im not going to just let it be said with out defending myself. I mean he made a pretty large (and incorrect) assumption, thats like me saying to someone on here well if you didnt rape women.....etc. 1 person on this board actually knows me and thats Former. He could have easily asked a question and I would have told him what I have now had to say back in response to the tone I recieved it in.
Hahaha, I haven't been following this thread...didn't realize it was getting heated.
I understand you defending yourself, I just didn't want it to go any further than it did. That's all I was getting at, I mean fuck I would take offense to stuff like that too, but it just doesn't need to escalate anymore. I'm just looking into what's best for the members here, we don't need any kind of slanderous remarks or anything like that which you see all over other boards
Wow took 5 days for a response and I get a bumper sticker attack. Badass... BTW Guns are bad.

Its your credit report and life do with it as you will. Next time read before you sign a contract. Have a nice day.
Wow took 5 days for a response and I get a bumper sticker attack. Badass... BTW Guns are bad.

Its your credit report and life do with it as you will. Next time read before you sign a contract. Have a nice day.

1) I didnt see your reply until today
2) you didnt see where I wrote THAT I HAVE THE DOCUMENTATION, and its highlighted. Thank you for the advice however Im assuming you dont know the little fact of companies can do whatever the fuck they want in this country and the little insignificant servants (citizens) cant do anything about it except get fucked in their asses, and to top it off have other retarded servants defend the companies fucking us all. Good day.