cycle questions (3) - Anti E's

do you use anti E's during a cycle?

  • Yes I use Anti-E’s during a cycle

    Votes: 20 83.3%
  • No I don’t use Anti-E’s during a cycle and I never had any problems so far

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • No I don’t No I don’t use Anti-E’s during a cycle but I surely wish I had because…

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
i use anti-e´s..... my goal is to grow, not get puffy:D
but i use them because i need so its a must to me.
I agree with Deca 100%. why would anyone take that risk. I always incorporate my anti-e's during my cycles.
It depends on what I'm taking if I run an anti-e during my cycle.

I run liquidex throughout a cutting cycle, no matter what kinds of juice I'm taking.
no anti-e's... but I use anti-aromataese so I guess that's the same idea.... yeah, always so far.
I know people who dont have to worry about gyno... But, I figure its just a matter of time before they start growing boobies...

Personally, Im kinda prone to gyno. I usually dont start a cycle without anti-e's, but sometimes wait for the symtoms to arise, then I double up on some nolvadex or something... Sometimes Ill stop anti-e treatment during a cycle, wait for the symtoms to come back and then go back on a anti-e.

Just added proviron to my gear box. -stuff works awesome for anti-e! and gives me a constant boner!!- what could be better??
NormalSucks said:
Just added proviron to my gear box. -stuff works awesome for anti-e! and gives me a constant boner!!- what could be better??

Proviron is good stuff, I used it for the first time last cycle and I will use it everytime from now on. Hell I'd like to stay on it with or without a cycle!
I always use anti-es for me prevention is better than cure so why wait for nasty estrogen related sides to appear before starting to use them
finephysique said:
I always use anti-es for me prevention is better than cure so why wait for nasty estrogen related sides to appear before starting to use them

Ditto. :thumbsup:
I start mine a week or two before the cycle starts so that I can build steady blood levels. I would rather run them durring then try to fix something that could have been prevented.
Soy is a phytoestrogen so most assume that it will increase estrogen levels. There are studies that show soy products may lower estrogenic activity in women. It does this by competing for the receptor site antagonism with the biologically more active hormonal estrogen.

In men the estrogen lowering effects are not as noticable if at all but it will not increase them either but soy does have an anti-aromatase activity.

Now IMO soy should not even be considered an anti-e because of what has been found. The compounds that are being used in cycle aromatize at a much higher amount and soy wouldn't even scratch the surface in stopping it.
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Some actually raise igf1 levels such as femara..aromasin...and some others. Nolva lowers it slightly supposedly, but we can't be sure it does that in people who use
BiggerStronger said:
Some actually raise igf1 levels such as femara..aromasin...and some others. Nolva lowers it slightly supposedly, but we can't be sure it does that in people who use

Arimidex is another one............... Proviron is another good anti-e to use durring your cycle and PCT. Proviron lowers SHBG by binding to it. This allows for more free testosterone in your system. Proviron will also give the user a boost in their sex drive.