Developing Successful Children With Training

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Developing Successful Children With Training

Weight training empowers people. The act of working to improve your health and appearance also has a dramatic effect on your mind.

By Marc Lobliner, CMO

I received a direct message from a Dad asking how to train his child. My answer is always the same; find a qualified youth trainer, learn the basics and if in my area or can visit us for a week, do sessions at

The Dad was very thankful and opened up about his life.

He is going through a divorce and his kid is being bullied at school. As a caring father, he is concerned about what to do about this.

This guy is smart. What is a better way to improve confidence, open the door for sport opportunity and attract females?

The media has been vilifying training lately with headlines such as “Lifting Weights Is White Supremacy” and “Fat Is the New Fit.”

They want you fat and weak. They want you powerless.

I want more for my kids. I want more for young men and women.

Weight training empowers people. The act of working to improve your health and appearance also has a dramatic effect on your mind. Even the politically influenced, garbage organization, the CDC, agrees. Per the CDC, “Regular physical activity is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Not only is it good for your muscles and bones, it can keep your brain healthy, too.”1

Imagine a world where we taught kids proper nutrition. Imagine a world where we showed kids how to move weight and move properly. Imagine a world with confident and STRONG boys and girls.

This is the world I strive for and why we built Legacy at Carbon in Franklin, TN. We not only make kids faster, stronger and more powerful, we make them more confident and overall better human beings.

How can the bodybuilding community help? It’s pretty simple.

Volunteer to be a coach. Mentor kids. And if you’re a father, start in the home. Explain and lead with the virtues of being fit, hardworking and having healthy habits. Don’t glorify drinking alcohol, don’t smoke and don’t be a lazy deadbeat. Kids are very malleable and will generally emulate their parents at least partially. For example, it is shown in research that children of alcoholics are more likely to abuse alcohol or other drugs.2

Winning in the gym carries over to winning in life. It’s the winner’s mindset and whether trying to win a bid for a construction job or a baseball game, the mindset and drive to win is the same.

Mindset is everything.

The other day we had a high school girl’s lacrosse team training with us. Great athletes, but they lost EVERY SINGLE GAME last season.

Now I know why.

Sled pushes, done to correct running form and develop power and speed, are a critical component of what we do. We lined the girls up with two 45-pound plates on a prowler. Out of eight girls, TWO were able to push it on their own.

Then it happened.

One of the captains grabbed the handles on the prowler, got in position and BOSSED it – she destroyed it. In fact, she almost ran me over.

On the next rep, EVERY SINGLE GIRL did the same. They saw it can be done and they did it.

The four-minute mile was the same way. They said it was impossible! In 1954, Roger Bannister proved that it was possible. Since then over 1,600 people have run a four-minute mile.

The sled push was that team’s four-minute mile. After one girl defeated the sled, they all knew it was possible. This mindset will transfer to the classroom and to their careers. If they apply themselves and BELIEVE, they can achieve! THIS is why I coach. THIS is how I benefit the next generation.

You can do the same – DO IT NOW!

We also want to fill our homes with healthy food options, make healthier family dinners and if snacking, choose wisely. It’s pretty apparent that an apple is a better choice than a Twinkie and a grilled chicken breast is a better choice than a fried chicken thigh. If snacking, I literally created the Outright Bar for a healthier snack option between soccer games (if you follow me on Instagram @marclobliner you’ll know my kids are soccer fanatics) and as a healthy snack option throughout the day, packed with high-quality whey protein isolate, monounsaturated fats from peanuts and the superfood honey, that tastes as good or better than a normal candy bar. Always keep a case or two on hand – you can get these at or your neighborhood GNC.

Mental health is at an all-time low right now. Between lockdowns, making kids cover their faces and sports being shut down for over a year in many states, our kids are fat and depressed. What we need is to get them moving. Be the solution, save the kids and help these kids become the leaders our world needs.

If you’re ever in Franklin, TN please stop by Legacy at Carbon. But if you need anything, I’m easy to reach.



Instagram @tigerfitness
Instagram @marclobliner
Twitter @MarcLobliner
YouTube: Tiger Fitness



Developing Successful Children With Training

Weight training empowers people. The act of working to improve your health and appearance also has a dramatic effect on your mind.

By Marc Lobliner, CMO

I received a direct message from a Dad asking how to train his child. My answer is always the same; find a qualified youth trainer, learn the basics and if in my area or can visit us for a week, do sessions at

The Dad was very thankful and opened up about his life.

He is going through a divorce and his kid is being bullied at school. As a caring father, he is concerned about what to do about this.

This guy is smart. What is a better way to improve confidence, open the door for sport opportunity and attract females?

The media has been vilifying training lately with headlines such as “Lifting Weights Is White Supremacy” and “Fat Is the New Fit.”

They want you fat and weak. They want you powerless.

I want more for my kids. I want more for young men and women.


Weight training empowers people. The act of working to improve your health and appearance also has a dramatic effect on your mind. Even the politically influenced, garbage organization, the CDC, agrees. Per the CDC, “Regular physical activity is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Not only is it good for your muscles and bones, it can keep your brain healthy, too.”1

Imagine a world where we taught kids proper nutrition. Imagine a world where we showed kids how to move weight and move properly. Imagine a world with confident and STRONG boys and girls.

This is the world I strive for and why we built Legacy at Carbon in Franklin, TN. We not only make kids faster, stronger and more powerful, we make them more confident and overall better human beings.

How can the bodybuilding community help? It’s pretty simple.

Volunteer to be a coach. Mentor kids. And if you’re a father, start in the home. Explain and lead with the virtues of being fit, hardworking and having healthy habits. Don’t glorify drinking alcohol, don’t smoke and don’t be a lazy deadbeat. Kids are very malleable and will generally emulate their parents at least partially. For example, it is shown in research that children of alcoholics are more likely to abuse alcohol or other drugs.2

Winning in the gym carries over to winning in life. It’s the winner’s mindset and whether trying to win a bid for a construction job or a baseball game, the mindset and drive to win is the same.

Mindset is everything.


The other day we had a high school girl’s lacrosse team training with us. Great athletes, but they lost EVERY SINGLE GAME last season.

Now I know why.

Sled pushes, done to correct running form and develop power and speed, are a critical component of what we do. We lined the girls up with two 45-pound plates on a prowler. Out of eight girls, TWO were able to push it on their own.

Then it happened.

One of the captains grabbed the handles on the prowler, got in position and BOSSED it – she destroyed it. In fact, she almost ran me over.

On the next rep, EVERY SINGLE GIRL did the same. They saw it can be done and they did it.

The four-minute mile was the same way. They said it was impossible! In 1954, Roger Bannister proved that it was possible. Since then over 1,600 people have run a four-minute mile.

The sled push was that team’s four-minute mile. After one girl defeated the sled, they all knew it was possible. This mindset will transfer to the classroom and to their careers. If they apply themselves and BELIEVE, they can achieve! THIS is why I coach. THIS is how I benefit the next generation.


You can do the same – DO IT NOW!

We also want to fill our homes with healthy food options, make healthier family dinners and if snacking, choose wisely. It’s pretty apparent that an apple is a better choice than a Twinkie and a grilled chicken breast is a better choice than a fried chicken thigh. If snacking, I literally created the Outright Bar for a healthier snack option between soccer games (if you follow me on Instagram @marclobliner you’ll know my kids are soccer fanatics) and as a healthy snack option throughout the day, packed with high-quality whey protein isolate, monounsaturated fats from peanuts and the superfood honey, that tastes as good or better than a normal candy bar. Always keep a case or two on hand – you can get these at or your neighborhood GNC.

Mental health is at an all-time low right now. Between lockdowns, making kids cover their faces and sports being shut down for over a year in many states, our kids are fat and depressed. What we need is to get them moving. Be the solution, save the kids and help these kids become the leaders our world needs.

If you’re ever in Franklin, TN please stop by Legacy at Carbon. But if you need anything, I’m easy to reach.











Instagram @tigerfitness

Instagram @marclobliner

Twitter @MarcLobliner

YouTube: Tiger Fitness




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