Dorian123 and I had a chat..

very good NVS I'm guessing that you probably have a degree in psych. (I do but it doesn't do me much good)

your right about the family thing-that's the reason that I got out of the town I grew up in
and your right about the type of woment that I pick up-but once again that's really all that's available
as far as getting with a girl that is umemployed and flat broke-that's fine I make enough money to support both of us-the only problem there is they don't love they are just lazy...can't expect a person to love you if they don't love themself, and if the best that they can aspire to be is a bum then they really don't love themself too much

Noel to answer your question I'm 30 and yes my clock is ticking-just really don't want to be one of these old bastards I see in bars always drunk bitching about the one that got away-oh well look at the bright side of things I'm a single guy and I can do whatever I want whenever I want :satan:
kinda like last night :surprised uhhh that's a story in itself :satan:

also I have nothing against single mothers-actually I have a lot of respect for a single mother who can raise children by herself, hard enough with a partner but by yourself-don't think I could do it

the problem that I have is all the ones that I met flat out state that they are looking for a pay check-haven't met one yet that has said, these are my children I don't need someone to help me raise or support them, that's an independent show me one like that and chances are a smart guy will see that and once again the good ones will be taken
why dont you enroll in a class of some sort or join in a singles group that does activitys or whatever where you can meet someone motivated. how's your luck at the gym ? thats were i met my husband. i know alot of peopel who meet at the gym, and you already have something in common !
oh and 30 is not old either, when i met my hubby i was 23 and he was 34. alot of girls like older men, have you ever dated anyone younger or is that to much trouble ?
after rereading your post NVS just for the cheap seats I don't go after the perfect 10s-they tend to bore me, and YES this may be a sad thing to say, but they also tend to be a dead lay...sorry but I like sex a lot and if a girl doesn't then it won't work out 100% on that one

as far the the prosistute thing is concerned, well that may have been a bad statement but it's true. at least they work for their money, same thing for a porn star. what? now all of the sudden a single girl should be held in higher regard than a prostitute because she has morals? Guess someone should have told that to all the poor bastards that have given everything they could have to a girl who they thought they loved only to get shit on, by her and their best friend...this one here never happened to me in case your wondering but it has to countless others.

Same thing happens to girls when guys shits on them-the whole situation is really sad but that's how the game is played

there are upsides to being single though, more money in my pocket, sleep past noon on my days off, drink as much as I want when I want :cool:
and have 3 girlfriends at the same time if I choose so, and in case anyone is wondering yes I use to do this and yes they knew about each other and yes none of them were keepers and yes the next guy that came along after me they all 3 bullshited into making him think they were keepers
I know this because the dumbass boyfriend told me so
tried the dating clubs-same ol same ol
I'm a raging psycho in the gym and don't talk to anyone ever,
"It's not very pretty but it works" DORIAN YATES
some times it's easier just not to fuckin' care, the less you care the less baggage you have :nope:
what do you mena by raging schyco in the gym. i'm sure you work out hard so why not schedule an extra 1/2 hr into your time at the gym to cool off and " socailize at the drinking fountain ". scretch for a few in the scretching area, theres always lots of girls in there bouncing around on those workout balls. just please dont stare when a chicks on the inner and outer thigh machine cause that is really creepy !!!
no I don't stare at the girls on the thigh machines-guys like that are a bit sad
the problem that I have with socializing at the gym is that once I make friends I spend more time talking than working out, and once I lose my concentration it's over, I might as well just go home

that and if I did get involved with a girl at the gym, once things don't work out then I have to find a new gym because of the DRAMA, dirty looks, etc.

rather just go in and do my own thing and then get on with my life
besides the same girls that are at the gym are the same ones that are at the night club, grocery store, where ever
dorian123 said:
...the less you care the less baggage you have :nope:

But you DO care or else you would not be so resentful. Perhaps you have recently been in a situation where you found yourself caring for a woman whom you thought could be different only to be disappointed?
Or maybe you WANT to care for someone and can't seem to find anyone worthy?

Now mind you, this is only my opinion so take it for what its worth and do not be offended as it is not my intention to offend you my friend, but you cannot have sex on the brain and hop into bed with every woman you meet and then wonder why the relationship goes to hell overnight. Maybe you give women the impression that all you want is sex so its only natural for them to want your money...see what i mean?

You don't seem to take the time to get yourself more emotionally involved and when you DO find yourself getting too close, you will sabotage a relationship by pointing out flaws in a woman that you could have very easily overlooked. You seem to have trouble with commitment. Love and respect are essential factors in making any relationship work. If you have two and three women at a time then you are not ready to settle down.

Where is the decency in a woman who wants to be with a man who treats her like a whore? If a woman knew that you had two and three other women on the side and yet had not problem with it, then that doesn't really say much about the person she is so why keep her? She's going to want your money if she can't have your heart. You do know what they say: a man is known by the company he keeps...yet you do not strike as the kind of person who would not know how to treat a lady.

Do you have an affinity for loose women because they are better looking and better lays? You will never find a good woman with that thought process. You need to find a different approach if you intend on finding love.

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your 180 off on that last post NVS
the days of me having 2 or 3 girlfriends at a time are over-that was back in my mid 20s
I can hosestly say that every time have ever made a promise to see a girl
exclusively I have kept that promise, if I can't keep it I won't make it

as far as me getting emotionally involved with a girl, that's where I make my mistake, I DO take the time to get emotionally involved with a girl and they just exploit it and take advantage of the for the resentment part, I can't hate them for it because that's how the game is played...if a guy is stupid enough to get his emotions involved your damn right a skeezer is going to take advantage of it-DON'T HATE THE PLAYER HATE THE GAME...
if anything the resentment is toward myself, FUCK I WAS DUMB ENOUGH TO FALL FOR IT AGAIN-I DIDN'T LEARN MY LESSON THE 1ST TIME

do I take the time to care for someone else, your damn right and that's where I screw myself everytime...
since this thread has been started, I've heard it a couple of times and have heard it about a thousand times from friends and family, "DON'T WORRY THERE IS SOMEONE OUT THERE FOR YOU"
hell I'm originally from Missouri, SHOW ME... out of the thousand people I have yet to see one person show me a decent single women...don't know maybe it's written in the stars (born under a bad sign) maybe it's my destiny not to meet a good girl and settle down
DON'T KNOW, DON'T CARE because If I do care I'll get screwed again :upset:

boo hoo woo is me
such is life you play the hand that your dealt

da Fonz I really don't know you but guys like you have basically won the lottery, and I'll give you the same advice that I give my buddies, "if you screw up I'll reach over and he-man bitch slap you for being ungrateful in life."

he-man bitch slap .... that is pretty funny. you sound like my hubby, he used to be so bitter to because his 1st wife left him and his 2nd wife left him for his best friend she was fucking and now he is stuck paying 40% of his income to child support, but he has began to change. he would always asume someone else was going to fuck him over to, but you eventually have to trust the good in people and see what works out for you. and something better worked out for him.
dorian123 said:
da Fonz I really don't know you but guys like you have basically won the lottery, and I'll give you the same advice that I give my buddies, "if you screw up I'll reach over and he-man bitch slap you for being ungrateful in life."

If you've read my posts about NVS, I def dont take NVS for granted thats for damn sure. I realize how lucky I am to have NVS as my wife. I think there is 1 person on this earth for everyone and I was truly blessed when I found mine.

Everyone has there share of ups and downs bud, but if your patient you will find that right person who makes you thankful for being able to wake up next to them and that special person who you cant honestly see yourself without. I can honestly say I cant live without NVS.
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he got lucky on the deal they say everything happens for a reason-I always like telling guys I'm going to he-man bitch slap them, for some reason guys take it degrading like in a humorous way :rolleyes:
dorian123 said:
your 180 off on that last post NVS
the days of me having 2 or 3 girlfriends at a time are over-that was back in my mid 20s
I can hosestly say that every time have ever made a promise to see a girl
exclusively I have kept that promise, if I can't keep it I won't make it

as far as me getting emotionally involved with a girl, that's where I make my mistake, I DO take the time to get emotionally involved with a girl and they just exploit it and take advantage of the for the resentment part, I can't hate them for it because that's how the game is played...if a guy is stupid enough to get his emotions involved your damn right a skeezer is going to take advantage of it-DON'T HATE THE PLAYER HATE THE GAME...
if anything the resentment is toward myself, FUCK I WAS DUMB ENOUGH TO FALL FOR IT AGAIN-I DIDN'T LEARN MY LESSON THE 1ST TIME

do I take the time to care for someone else, your damn right and that's where I screw myself everytime...
since this thread has been started, I've heard it a couple of times and have heard it about a thousand times from friends and family, "DON'T WORRY THERE IS SOMEONE OUT THERE FOR YOU"
hell I'm originally from Missouri, SHOW ME... out of the thousand people I have yet to see one person show me a decent single women...don't know maybe it's written in the stars (born under a bad sign) maybe it's my destiny not to meet a good girl and settle down
DON'T KNOW, DON'T CARE because If I do care I'll get screwed again :upset:

boo hoo woo is me
such is life you play the hand that your dealt

da Fonz I really don't know you but guys like you have basically won the lottery, and I'll give you the same advice that I give my buddies, "if you screw up I'll reach over and he-man bitch slap you for being ungrateful in life."


I was under the impression that you still had multiple partners. So there goes that theory. I guess the one thing that comes to mind is what all women have in common, and that is an inbred belief that they should be catered to and provided for. Any woman in a relationship likes to be pampered and spoiled and most have a tendancy to take advantage of such situations.

To be honest with you, i have thought this isue over and have come to the following conclusion: when you find yourself in a new situation with a new partner, what is the most prevalent interest that the two share? sex!
Its that spark of a first encounter that makes it hard to appraoch new situations in any ethical manner. I mean, if you think about it, times have changed. The first thing two people have on the brain when they first meet is of a sexual nature. But its not until that thrill dies down and is replaced by consideration and respect that you find a person changing their ways to where they are more catering to their partner's feelings.

Here is a scenario: You meet this really hot chick, she likes you and you are attracted to her. Its mostly a sexual tension between the two of you. You can't wait to undress her versus you can't wait to take her out to her favorite restaurant. So you wine and dine her and she lets you splurge and show her what a keeper you are, then you get down to "business". And then this situation repeats itself over and over and over until you start avoiding her phone callls find yourself wanting to spend more time with her, Now THAT'S the turning point in a relationship. At this point people start to have more tangible concern for the other person and things transcend money and sex. That, in my opinion, is when you really get to know someone.

Now how long it takes you to move on to phase two is totally dependent on the type of people involved, their expectations, their circumstances, where they are in their lives, their current and past experiences when it comes to matters of the heart..etc

How long is it before you find yourself more interested in spending time with a person versus getting in their pants?

As for me and Fonz..that was sweet of you to say by the way, but rest assured we all have our flaws and i am by no means a very pleasent, happy go lucky kinda least not most of the time. But as a female bodybuilder, its in my nature to look outside the box. I don't look at things the way most women do, and i can relate to a man alot better than your average everyday woman. Its important to me to show the man i am with that i am independant and he can rely on me through thick and thin. Most men can't rely on their women especially emotionally because we are by nature emotional creatures. Fonz appreciates that about me, as i appreciate him accepting me with all my flaws and not wanting to change me. See the key is not to want to change someone but to accept then for who they are. And i am fortunate to have found that. He not only brings alot of stability into my life but he makes me love the woman that i am. He appreciates my sense of individuality and that is SO important in any healthy relationship. Other than us both having so much in common, yes i have been truely blessed that he has found me..because i was lost before i met him and today he is the better part of who i am and who i aspire to be.

I feel like I will be fucked over too my a female because it has been done in the past. It is very hard for me to trust a female (no offense to any of you on here at all). I'm just saying they have screwed me over time and time again and for some reason I feel or have this thought in the back of my mind that it's going to happen again. It drives me crazy and takes it toll on my relationship at time. I just wish I could get rid of this feeling.
w000dy said:
I feel like I will be fucked over too my a female because it has been done in the past. It is very hard for me to trust a female (no offense to any of you on here at all). I'm just saying they have screwed me over time and time again and for some reason I feel or have this thought in the back of my mind that it's going to happen again. It drives me crazy and takes it toll on my relationship at time. I just wish I could get rid of this feeling.

You gotta learn to trust Wooodro..and have faith :)

see that's where the problem lies NVS, when we get to phase 2 that's when I start giving a shit and they stop-once agian like you said I need to change the type of girls that I'm going out with but that's all that's available (skeezers)
and yes there is someone out there for me I told you she is a Russian prostitute :)

you see Dorian is not an actor and he can't express how he really feels so we hired an actor to interpert for him...

DORIAN: I can't find a decent girl boo hoo
ACTOR: I really don't know anything about women, but when it comes to women, ignorance is bliss

DORIAN:I'm sick of getting shit on by losers
ACTOR: So I put on some tangerine lipstick and ordered 50mL of Deca

DORIAN: boo hoo
ACTOR: but I'm a single guy and I've lost count as to how many women I've bagged-so quit your bitchin
noel said:
hey you could always join in on myspace .... lol lol lol lol

hey I have a myspace! lol. I dont look for women on there just keep in touch with friends, but yea I have known people who have hooked up with others on myspace.
ya i hear about that allot to... i just use it for frinds but my hubby always gives me crap and sais i am participating in a dating web site. he can be a big nerd sometimes !!!