
I have a friend who is a Motorcycle Cop in a major city in Florida. In his dept there are ten bike cops just like him and his sole job is to write tickets and collect revenue for the state of Florida. He work 4 days a week and writes on average 25 tickets a day. So if all 10 cops right 25 tickets a day that is 250 tickets a week. 250 a week times 52 weeks in a year equals 13,000 tickets these ten guys alone write. Well at the average ticket cost of $185 those 13,000 tickets collect 2.4 Million dollars for the state. This is just ten guys. There are 800 other police officers just in his city. This does not include smaller towns and cities around the area or the county sherrif or the Florida highway patrol metermaids DUI task force all the court cost fines and fees for driver improvement courses ect ect. The list is endless how the govt fucks us and takes all our money.

Also every time a new car is bought in Florida not only do they get 6% sales tax they get on average $425 for the DMV tag fee. Its rediculous and yet the people just go along with it.

AND WE HAVE A BUDGET PROBLEM????????@!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?! WHAT THE FUCK OVER!!!!
Fuck them im outta here asap once i get done with school so long america. I love it here but sorry im not putting up with our governments bullshit, ill go on a homicidal rampage if i have to put up with the crap they have been putting the working class through for the past 30 or so years. FUCK EM! get yo hand outta my gd wallet!
the entire us needs to riot , destroy , and rebuild.

Until then , ill keep planning and doing best i can to get to where i need to be to go to somewhere nice. Because agree i've said it before.

If the government and irs really starts to fuck with me , im not stable enough to handle it.

amen brotha!
The entire US needs to riot , destroy , and REBUILD.

Until then , ill keep planning and doing best I can to get to where I need to be to go to somewhere nice. Because agree I've said it before.

If the government and IRS really starts to fuck with me , im not stable enough to handle it.

I agree we need to out this rouge govt we have now and start over. The Fed is the cause of all our problems.

My only advice is to buy as much ammo as you can...LOL

Also a great book for everyone to read about how the govt has just destroyed our rights is called Unintended Consequences by John Ross.

Amazing book. Best I have ever read. Worth buying. I have a pdf of it if anyone want to pm me their email address. I'll be more than happy to send it to them if you'll read it.

IMO its on the level of Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.
Get the ammo before they put the time constraints on the powder. I don't think we will get better. Obama just keeps renaming jobs and I really believe he wants the economy to fail to start socialism. The problem is that we outsourced everything to other countries cheaper than we sell it to our own people, and then we import all the crap from places like China that we use to produce. It started with Clinton and his trade agreements but now we owe China so much they will probably eventully try to invade. I wish I was joking too. 200000000 man army. If you doubt my philosphy take a walk in wal mart and consider how many jobs have been outsourced to chinese workers just in their stores. Sad.
I suggest anyone that is serious about this buy a loading bench and learn the trade, I learned at a very early age and have never had problems with ammo since.
I honestly believe that ONLY sales tax is the Uncorrupted and right way to tax normal people.

business's etc all of that excluded but normal working people ONLY SALES TAXES...

why should you actually have to file taxes? its retarded and a stupid setup for how the government is made.

Were going to make our citizens work and figure everything out to give us the money. Fuck that , you pay for the stuff you buy. If your working to make money your going to spend it , so have what they spend it on taxed that would EVEN OUT EVERYTHING TAX BASED....

THEN GIVES GOVERNMENT LESS TIME TO BULLSHIT because instead of doing taxes they can focus on important shit.

even if its just important to them , and stupid shit for us like they've been doing sale tax is the ONLY way to do it. But of course this way they get more power and they have LESS WORK TO DO.

people in the government dont work for their money...

that's what pisses me off the most...
they tax my income and then turn around and tax what I buy
double tax bullshit

everyone just quit and get on welfare-those fuckers are 10x smarter than we are, live and eat for free-deal drugs and pay NO TAX

and who do the cops bust? middle class for speeding tickets
yeah now your getting the picture-they are triple fucking ya

BTW the latest and greatest heard was that they (the government) is thinking of doing away with all paper currency and everything will be run electronic debt...
so now there will be no cash jobs under the table or tax evasion

any time money changes hands it will automatically be taxed...
so if I loan you money-taxed
when you pay it back-taxed
one more thing- give it a few more years and they'll have a bar code and number stamped on your forehead:wave:
Gimmie 6-8 more years and ill be untouchable :) until I gotta suck it up and bite the bullet. I was thinking about what you just said a couple days ago dorian. From an economic standpoint it is a brilliant idea that would work, but it would also piss anyone off to no end.
Education is out of control...i can only speak for my school...they spend money on all kinds of bullshit. They have turned the campus into a country club while their academics and research is pathetic.

All you guys who want to know whats really going on with the Economy need to follow a guy Named Peter Schiff. He is the CEO of a company called Euro Pacific Capital in Connecticut. The guy predicted almost 100% to a T what is going on right now.

He is currently running for US Senate in Connecticut against Christopher Dodd. We need people just like him as a voice of reason for all of us. The guy is amazing.

I have him as a friend on Facebook and he post a short vid every other day or so. Todays vid talks about why the cost of a college education is so high. The guy is spot on.

We don't even own our own homes...or anything for that matter. The gov can take it at any questions asked. You miss a tax payment on your house and/or car...what do you think will happen? You pay property taxes for your entire are only LEASING your house from the city/state/gov....ain't it grand :)

Now the Amish .... they're the real deal especially with how the economy is now. They dont have to deal with the governments bullshit.

The government is the real terrorists.

I will boycott and resist all changes I dont see fit for government. I dont care if I have to live like a homeless guy , if things go electronic I will not take part in any kind of income or any of that.

If I do have any services to give , or want/need anything I will trade whatever I can for it. Even if I have to haul around a HUGE CART , to do what I need to do including sleep and store my tradables.

Watch them then say thats your home isnt it and your vehicle... even though its a cart your required to pay for liability on it , what you dont have any money. REPOSSESSED along with jail time.. that'll teach you to fight being a slave.
If anyone has been hoping USA will slide from top of it's high horse...just hope IRAN finishes it's nuke program. Notice how Iran never follows through with their promise to dismantel their nuke program? They are just buying time to finish it...then the OIL market will be an entirely different animal.

Think it's a coincedence that the two countries that border Iran to the west and east were invaded by the USA? The writing is on the wall...when Iran gets nukes...and USA no longer can point a gun to Iran's head and demand influence on the oil market...then USA's economy will shrink faster than it did during the great depression...

You can see the effects in miniature now...think it's a coincedence that our economy has shrunk while oil prices have risen? Are you fooled by the rise in the DOW? Ever adjusted the current DOW to inflation?

before they all bailout they will definitely sell ALL of the land though , because honestly... The land in the US , thats supposeably owned by the people , thats bullshit its still all owned by the US.

They then will bailout and the PEOPLE... will still be the ones in debt because the government is the actual people in debt their just the slave masters , and when they bail they do it for their own safety and guilt escape , and were stuck with the same debt as when their here.

Except the world falls down around us , BUT WERE STILL BETTER OFF..... because we have no shitty government and we have nobody wasting our money.

Whether or not the US would be able to sustain when the government bails is one thing , I doubt it. But regardless when the bail comes we are taken over by countries and lose all our land anyways.
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Gimmie 6-8 more years and ill be untouchable :) until I gotta suck it up and bite the bullet. I was thinking about what you just said a couple days ago dorian. From an economic standpoint it is a brilliant idea that would work, but it would also piss anyone off to no end.

untouchable? how do you figure? they will tax the shit out of and make sure you never get ahead... think I'm kidding? last year I paid more in taxes than I took home

and so what if they piss us off-they're pissing us off right now